Meeting documents

Wednesday, 21st June, 2017

Place: Shield Room, Civic Centre, West Paddock, Leyland PR25 1DH

 Present: Cllr P Mullineaux (Leader of Council) in the Chair

Cllr C J Clark (Corporate Support and Assets/Deputy Leader) (Vice-Chairman), Cllr J C Hughes (Strategic Planning and Housing), Cllr Mrs J A Mort (Public Health, Safety and Wellbeing), Cllr P J Smith (Regeneration and Leisure), Cllr Mrs S C Snape (Finance), Cllr J G Walton (Neighbourhoods and Streetscene)
 In attendance: Jean Hunter (Interim Chief Executive), David Whelan (Monitoring Officer), Mark Gaffney (Director of Neighbourhoods, Environmental Health & Assets), Denise Johnson (Director of Development, Enterprise & Communities), Susan Guinness, Head of Shared Financial Services, Joanne Platt (Interim Corporate Improvement Manager) and Dianne Scambler (Democratic Services Officer)
 Public attendance: 5
 Other Members and Officers: Councillors J Bell, D Bird, B Evans, P Foster, Mary Green, M Green, S Jones, K Martin, M Titherington and 2 officers

Item Description/Resolution Status Action
1 Apologies for absence


2 Minutes of the Last Meeting
Minutes attached

RESOLVED (UNANIMOUSLY): That the minutes of the Cabinet meeting held on 15 March be approved as a correct record.

3 Declarations of Interest

Councillor Cliff Hughes declared a personal interest in Item 11 of the report.

4 Introduction of a Garden Waste Collection Subscription Scheme
Report attached
Appendix 1 attached

The Cabinet member for Neighbourhoods and Streescene presented a report that sought approval of the Terms and Conditions for the implementation of a chargeable service for the collection of garden waste. From 1 April 2018, residents would be charged ?30 per bin on an annual basis.


The report provided details of the factors that had influenced the Council?s decision to introduce the chargeable service, alongside key elements and timescales of the implementation programme. It also outline how the scheme would operate and provided details of the eligibility and application process.


The Leader clarified the alternative options that had been considered that included frequency of collections and a review of other non-statutory functions. Residents that choose not to ?opt in? to the scheme could either take their cuttings to the local tip or place them in their general waste receptacle if they have the capacity to accommodate. All collected garden waste would still be recycled.

RESOLVED (UNANIMOUSLY): Approval granted of the Terms and Conditions of the approved chargeable garden waste subscription appended to the report.

5 Charging Policy for Replacement Household Waste and Recycling Containers
Report attached
Appendix 1 attached

The Cabinet member for Neighbourhoods and Streetscene presented a report that sought approval of a charging policy for the replacement of lost, stolen and damaged waste and recycling containers. A charge would apply to all lost and stolen containers and those damaged beyond repair, except where the container has been damaged during collection by our waste partner FCC. A charge of ?30 per wheeled bin and ?10 per box was proposed that also covered administration costs, processing of the order and delivery costs.


The report also provided members with the timescales for the implementation programme and forecasted income targets contained within the MTFS.


Members discussed the life cycle of the bins, how the scheme would be enforced and the residents reporting structure.


RESOLVED (UNANIMOUSLY): - Approval granted for the Charging Policy for Replacement Household Waste and Recycling Containers appended to the report.

6 Corporate Peer Challenge Report and Improvement Plan
Report attached
Appendix 1 attached
Appendix 2 attached

The Leader presented a report that informed of the recent LGA Corporate Peer Challenge and sought approval of a new Corporate Improvement Plan. The report had been received by the Council in April 2017 and had already been shared will all Members, staff and those partners who were involved. The new Plan contained a number of recommendations that would be delivered over the next 6 months.

The Leader of the Opposition expressed his concern that the decision on the review of leisure had been deferred and sought assurance from the Leader that a report would be submitted to Cabinet in July. The Leader explained that has the decision was one of the biggest strategic decisions that this Council would make, it was important that all Members understood the current situation that the authority faced and options available. A Member Learning Session had been delivered to provide some context to the issue and that there was the opportunity to consider a cross-party work group meeting in the future.

Approval of the new Corporate Improvement Plan appended to the report, subject to the comments of the Scrutiny Committee, with any changes arising there from being agreed in consultation by the Leader.

7 Homelessness Strategy
Report attached
Appendix 1 attached
Appendix 2 attached
Appendix 3 attached
Appendix 4 attached

The Cabinet member for Corporate Support and Assets presented a report that provided details of a review of homelessness in the borough following a recent review that the Council had undertaken as part of its statutory duty under the Homeless Act 2002. The report asked Members to consider the findings of the 2017 - 2020 Review and sought approval of a new Homelessness Strategy and Action Plan.


Special thanks were given to Suzanne Ravenscroft and her team for all their hard work.


1. Approval of the Review, Strategy and Action Plan for publication and action.
2. Approval of the use of those budgets identified in the report for the purpose of fulfilling the actions outline in Appendix A

8 Standing Order 38 Decision - Planning Application Fees Increase of 20%
Report attached

The Cabinet member for Strategic Planning and Housing presented a report informing Cabinet of the making of a Standing Order 38 decision by the Interim Chief Executive and the Leader of the Council regarding opting in to the increase in Planning Fees.


In the Housing White Paper issued on 7 February 2017, the Government introduced the ability of Local Planning Authorities to opt in to raising Planning Application Fees by 20% provided that the additional money raised is passed directly to the Planning Service to provide for more resources.


RESOLVED (UNANIMOUSLY): That the report be noted.

9 Business Transformation - Pest Control Fees and Charges
Report attached

The Cabinet member for Public Health, Safety and Wellbeing presented a report that sought approval to implement a chargeable pest control service for the treatment of rats and mice. The introduction of the charge will support the delivery of the ?150,000 Business Transformation target contained in the approved 2017/18 budget and Medium Term Financial Strategy which is allocated against the Neighbourhoods, Environmental Health and Assets directorate.


It was noted that the proposed charge was a competitive price against other competitors and that any spare capacity created within the team caused by residents not taking up the service would be used to expand pest control contracts for local businesses.


RESOLVED (UNANIMOUSLY): Approval of the introduction of domestic pest control charges for rats and mice treatments be granted as outlined in the report.

10 Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) Implementation Plan and Draft 2018/19 Budget Setting and MTFS Update Timetable
Report attached
Appendix 1 attached
Appendix 2 attached

The Cabinet member for Finance presented a report setting out the key events and methodology to record, monitor and manage the delivery of the 207/18 Budget and MTFS. The report also presented a draft summary timetable for the 2018/19 Budget and MTFS.


The Council set the budget required to deliver the current Corporate Plan whilst facing acute financial risk with a resulting forecasted budget deficit of ?3.3m to 2019/20. It was noted that the forecasted budget shortfall is based on a set of assumptions that are subject to change and also excludes unquantifiable known factors that may have an adverse impact, for example the impact of 100% Business Rates Retention Scheme, Performance of the Pension Fund Deficit Recovery Plan and Brexit.


The Leader explained that the report of Shared Services had been deferred and would now be brought to Cabinet in September. This was to allow the newly appointed Chief Executive time to engage with the process. This had been agreed with the Leader of Chorley Council.


It was noted that a review of car parking charges was being considered.


1. Approval of the 2017/18 MTFS Implementation Plan granted.
2. Approval of the draft 2018/19 Budget Setting and MTFS Update Timetable granted.

11 City Deal: Completion of St. Catherine's Park
Report attached

The Cabinet member for Regeneration and Leisure presented a report for the allocation of a capital budget of ?92,000 for the completion of St. Catherine?s Park. The report also sought to authorise procurement according to the Council?s Contract Procedure Rules and spend of budget that would allow commencement of the work.


Many aspects of the project had been completed and photographs were on display for member?s information. This was a partnership arrangement with both the Council and St. Catherine?s Hospice contributing to the project. The Leader commented that the work that had already been undertaken had been well received by the public.


1. Approval of the capital budget of ?92,000 for the completion of St? Catherine?s Park and authorisation granted for the budget spend to allow works to commence.

12 Moss Side Playing Field Car Park
Report attached

The Cabinet member for?Neighbourhoods and Streetscene presented a report that requested approval to commit capital expenditure for the proposed reinforced grass overflow car park at Moss Side Playing Field, known as Malt Kin Fold.


The Moss Side playing fields is a multi-use leisure facility in Leyland. For many years sports pitches have been used on the site, they were established by the Council and are now run by Leyland Warriors ARLFC via a community lease. Malt Kin Fold is a popular green space with daily visitors all year round and has general use by a number of different community groups. Once developed, the maintenance and policing of the car park when in use will be the responsibility of the Leyland Warriors Club, which will be a condition of the club's lease on the land. Any surplus money will be spent on improving the drainage to ensure that the new surface is maintained.


Special thanks was given to Councillor Moon and council staff for all their support and help with the project.


The Cabinet agreed to suspend Standing Order 31 to allow the meeting to continue.

1. Approval to accept Tender 8 as tabled in the report for the construction of the overflow car park at Miln Kiln Fold.
2. Authority granted under section 3.4 of the Financial Regulations to secure capital expenditure of up to ?103,110 for the above works.

13 Strategic review of Property and Assets - Investment Framework
Report attached
Appendix 1 attached
Appendix 2 attached

The Cabinet member for Corporate and Support Assets presented a report that sought approval of a Property and Asset Investment Framework that would be kept separate from the Treasury Management Strategy. The report also sought approval to establish a Sub Committee for Property and Assets Investments which would have delegated authority to commit expenditure in line with the Investment Framework, where there was a commercial necessity for an urgent decision to be made to avoid the possibility of the investment opportunity being lost.


The Opposition Leader requested that the report be taken to Governance and Scrutiny Committee before a decision was made. However, as a cross-party working group had considered the proposals and as no written adverse comments had been received, the Cabinet felt that this course of action was not required. The Council?s Section 151 Officer would have the responsibility to sign off any such expenditure with due diligence, in line with the investment framework and a cross party group would continue to be consulted upon on any proposed acquisitions.


1. Approval of the Investment Framework.
2. Approval of the establishment of a Cabinet Sub Group for Property and Assets Investment (4 Cabinet Members)
3. Approval of the draft Terms of Reference for the Cabinet Sub Committee for Property and Assets Investment
4. Delegated authority granted for the Sub Committee to authorise expenditure on acquisitions of up to ?10 million, to be committed in line with the guidelines in the Investment Framework.
5. That the operation of the Sub Committee be reviewed after six months.

14 Cabinet Forward Plan
Forward Plan attached

RESOLVED (unanimously): That the Forward Plan submitted under Section 22 of the Local Government Act 2000 be approved.

15 Exclusion of Press and Public

Approval that the press and public be excluded for the following item of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclose of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government act 1972.

16 Land at Lostock Hall - Sherdley Road Industrial Estate
Report attached
Plan attached

The Cabinet member Corporate Support and Assets presented a confidential report relating to land at Lostock Hall in relation to the Sherdley Road Industrial Estate.


RESOLVED (unanimously): That the sale of the freehold reversionary interest at Sherdley Road Industrial Estate to Lunar Holding Ltd at a figure of ?158,000 be approved.


  Published on Monday 3 July 2017
The meeting finished at 7.45pm