
Use the below search options at the bottom of the page to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by the council’s decision making bodies.

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Decisions recommendations approved (subject to call-in)

01/05/2024 - Grant agreement Leyland Festival and Music in the Town ref: 2044    Recommendations Approved (subject to call-in)

Decision Maker: Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member (Strategy and Reform)

Decision published: 01/05/2024

Effective from: 10/05/2024


Decision made




1.    The Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member (Strategy and Reform) approves a grant of £60,000 to Leyland Festival Ltd to enable the delivery of Leyland Festival on 15 June 2024.

2.    That a further grant of £12,000 to Leyland Town Team CIC is agreed to enable the delivery of Music in the Town on 25 May 2024

3.    That two agreements are put in place that detail the expectations around expenditure and the delivery of each event.

4.    That free parking is offered on council owned car parks on the day of Leyland Festival to encourage more people to the event and the town centre.


Reasons for recommendations




Both events are popular with the community. They provide an opportunity for families to enjoy a free day out and provide a boost to footfall in Leyland town centre, with up to 20,000 expecting to attend, which in turn benefits the local economy.  

With regards to Leyland Festival, this funding would allow the event to remain free for people attending. In the current cost of living crisis this is beneficial for our residents and aligns with our corporate priority of ensuring we have happy and healthy communities.  

Without a grant agreement in place the council has no oversight of how the funding will be spent or assurance that the events help to deliver corporate strategy priorities.  

It is South Ribble Borough Council’s 50th year and supporting these events will allow us to provide opportunities in the year for communities to come together and celebrate. 



Other options considered and rejected




Not providing the grant would mean that the two events cannot be held.

Not putting a grant agreement does not provide the council with information on spend and delivery.



Wards affected: Leyland Central;

Lead officer: Emma Lyons

30/04/2024 - Communities and Housing Service Review: Implementation ref: 2029    Recommendations Approved (subject to call-in)

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member (Communities, Leisure and Wellbeing)

Decision published: 30/04/2024

Effective from: 10/05/2024


Decision made




1.      To approve the review into Communities and Housing and adopt the proposed structure in Appendix B.


2.      To implement the new structure on May 1st 2024 which includes the transfer of all employees on to the new terms and conditions.


Reasons for decision




The decision ensures the structure is fit for purpose to deliver the team and service action plans.


The council completes earlier commitments within teams that the service will be reviewed and re-structured, and job evaluation to be undertaken on roles within the teams.


The council is able to transfer all remaining employees in the service to the new terms and conditions.



Other options considered and rejected




The existing structure could be retained, but this would not reflect the changes in organisational structures and limit the ability of the service to move forward.


Options submitted as part of consultation provided an alternative structure for Active Health.  These were considered and a potential option that could be implemented. However they are not taken forward at this time, as the structure suggested will meet the needs of the council and be sustainable over the longer term.


Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Howard Anthony