Issue - decisions

Youth support programme

15/11/2019 - Youth support programme

Decision made (Unanimously):

1.    Cabinet supports the implementation of a two year pilot costed programme of youth activities and initiatives as outlined in the report to effectively tackle crime and disorder.

2.    Cabinet supports the creation of a new two year fixed term post of Youth Support Officer to lead on the new programme. Post to be filled through a secondment process.

3.    Cabinet supports the development of a Youth programme done in partnership with Community Safety partners and the South Ribble Partnership to ensure sustainability and long-term measurable outcomes are achieved for individuals, groups and local communities within targeted areas of South Ribble.

4.    Cabinet authorises revenue expenditure on this scheme over a two year period up to the overall budget value of £120,000, in year one and a second revenue cost of £85,000, to be funded from the Sports Development reserve budget for the two years of the initial project.