Issue - decisions

Central Lancashire Local Plan Issues and Options

17/10/2019 - Central Lancashire Local Plan Issues and Options

Decision made:

1.    That Cabinet approves the Central Lancashire Issues and Options paper in Appendix One as the first stage in the preparation of the new Central Lancashire Local Plan, in accordance with Regulation 18 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012.

2.    That Cabinet approves the document as drafted, recognising that to make any changes at this stage would delay the subsequent approval of the final version as the same version must be approved by all three Councils.

3.    That Cabinet approves the proposed methods of consultation including the online portal Citizenspace, and the programme for drop-in events and elected member learning sessions.

4.    That Cabinet approves the key timetable for the consultation commencing on Monday 18 November 2019 at 12.01am and closing at 12.59pm on Friday 14 February 2020, making sure that all Neighbourhood Forums are consulted.

5.    That Cabinet agree to the commencement of the consultation upon the arrival by all three Central Lancashire councils (subject to any call-in periods).

6.    That Cabinet grants delegated authority to the Director of Planning and Property in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Planning, Regeneration and City Deal, to undertake any minor text, layout and formatting changes as necessary.