Issue - decisions

07/2019/6068/ADV - Meadowcroft Business Park, Pope Lane, Whitestake

23/08/2019 - 07/2019/6068/ADV - Meadowcroft Business Park, Pope Lane, Whitestake

RESOLVED: (Unanimously)




1.    consent be granted and the decision delegated to the Head of Development Management in consultation with the Chair of Planning Committee on completion of the consultation period, subject to no further representations being received, and receipt of written confirmation from the applicant that an automatic timer can be fitted with an agreed timeframe to turn the lighting on the signage approved off between the hours of 9.00pm and 8.00am.


2.    should the applicant reject the condition that the lighting on the signage approved be switched off between the hours of 9.00pm and 8.00amor be unable to install a timer that would allow the lights to automatically turn off, the application will come back for determination by the Planning Committee.


3.    a letter be sent on behalf of the Planning Committee to the applicant expressing deep concern at the number of retrospective applications being received for the site.