Issue - decisions

Customer Services and Revenue & Benefits Review

23/11/2021 - Customer Services and Revenue & Benefits Review

Decision made


That the following proposals are approved for consultation with staff and the Union:


a)    the proposed shared Customer Services restructure including ERVS requests.

b)    the development of the shared service as set out in the service development plan.

c)    Principles for:

i.         Flexible and multi-channel working

ii.       Making best use of technology and automation

iii.     Waste services


Reasons for recommendations

This decision will enable the Customer Services and Revenues & Benefits function service to develop into a shared service with a single operating model, as previously agreed by both councils.



Other options considered and rejected

Alternative options for the Customer Services & Revenues and Benefits structure have been considered in the production of the report and the final proposal is considered to be the most effective approach to achieving a single operating model as previously agreed by the councils.