Issue - decisions

Future Management of Leisure Centres -To finalise any compensation payable with respect to loss of income in relation to the closure of the Leisure Centres

21/01/2021 - Future management of Leisure Centres

Resolved (unanimously):-


1.That Cabinet recommends to Full Council that the future management of the Council’s Leisure Centres be taken back to an in-house management arrangement. This will mean the Council decides not to extend its current leisure management contract with Serco Leisure Operating Ltd at the end of March 2021.


2. Subject to approval by Full Council on the above recommendation, officers will bring a further report to Cabinet as to how the proposed new in-house management arrangement will operate. This will balance the requirement for the council to maintain influence over the borough’s leisure services whilst ensuring the most financially efficient approach is undertaken.


3.     That Cabinet requests that officers continue working with SERCO to finalise any compensation payable to Serco Leisure Operating Ltd with respect to loss of income in relation to the closure of the Leisure Centres and delegates that decision to the Cabinet Member for Health, Wellbeing and Leisure in consultation with the Section 151 Officer of the Council.