Issue - decisions


18/12/2020 - 07/2020/00505/OUT - Land to the rear of Oakdene, Chain House Lane, Whitestake

RESOLVED: (Unanimously)


That the application be refused for the following reasons:


1.    the application site is allocated as Safeguarded Land through Policy G3 of the South Ribble Local Plan. The proposal by virtue of its nature, scale and degree of permanence would be contrary to Policy G3 of the South Ribble Local Plan, to which substantial weight should attach. The Council can demonstrate a 5-year housing supply, which should be calculated against the Local Housing Need figure of 191 d/pa. Applying the tilted balance, the proposal does not constitute sustainable development. Material considerations do not justify the conflict with the development plan; and


2.    the proposal by virtue of its nature, scale and degree of permanence would be contrary to Policy G3 of the South Ribble Local Plan as the development would harm the ability of the Council to manage the comprehensive development of the area. Therefore, the scheme would not amount to a sustainable form of development.