Issue - decisions

07/2020/00705/FUL Oakland Farm

13/11/2020 - 07/2020/00705/FUL - Oakland Farm, Hollins Lane, Leyland

RESOLVED: (Unanimously)


That the application be refused for the following reasons:


1.    It has not been demonstrated that a development of 4 dwellings would not be an incongruous addition to the rural location which fails to make a positive contribution to the quality of the environment. In relation to this the proposal has the potential to conflict with and not respect or enhance the established character and appearance of the area. It would therefore be contrary to Policy G17(a) of the South Ribble Local Plan


2.    The application site is considered to be in an unsustainable location due to the distance from the nearest shops and services, the absence of nearby public transport and the lack of connection to nearby settlements. Proposed development therefore does not represent sustainable development and does not comply with Chapter 9(Promoting sustainable transport)- particularly paragraphs 102c, 103, 105 and 108 of the National Planning Policy Framework, Central Lancashire Core Strategy Policy 3 (Travel) and Local Plan Chapter F (Catering for sustainable travel)


3.    The proposal would have a greater impact upon the openness of the Green Belt than the current use and is contrary to Policy G1 of the South Ribble Local Plan and Paragraph 145 of the NPPF.