Issue - decisions

07/2020/00443/FUL cottage gardens

22/10/2020 - 07/2020/00443/FUL - Cottage Gardens, Bamber Bridge

RESOLVED: (For: 9 Abstain: 1)


That the application be refused for the following reasons:


1.    that the proposal would result in the unacceptable and avoidable loss of trees protected by Tree Preservation order and is contrary to Policy G13 (Trees Woodland and Development) of the South Ribble Local Plan


2.    the proposed development would result in piecemeal development which would not be integrated with development of the wider site ‘S’ (land off Brindle Road) allocated for residential development.  Access into the site should be from the wider Site S and not through Cottage Gardens.  The proposal is therefore contrary to Policy D1 (Allocation of housing land of the South Ribble Local Plan.


3.    the proposed development by virtue of access from Cottage Gardens rather than Site S would result in loss of residential amenity to existing Cottage Garden residents. The proposal is therefore contrary to Policy G17 of the South Ribble Local Plan.