Issue - decisions

Budget Monitoring 2020-21 Quarter 1

18/09/2020 - Budget Monitoring 2020-21 - Quarter 1

Decision made (unanimously):


1.    Cabinet notes and accepts the recommendations of the Scrutiny Budget and Performance Panel made at its meeting on 14 September 2020.

2.    Cabinet notes the contents of this report including the forecast £29,000 underspend in 2020/21.

3.    Cabinet approves the allocation of the £150,000 staffing savings target and the £37,000 residual shared services savings target against the £499,000 forecast staffing underspend.

4.    Cabinet approves the use of general reserves for one-off increases to the revenue budget in relation to the following items:

a)    Dial-a-ride £20,000

b)    IDOX Enterprise and Capability Review £26,000

c)    Extra Care preparatory work £50,000

5.    Cabinet approves the re-profiled budgets for the capital programme, which reflects forecasted underspend against the existing budgets, as detailed in Appendix C.