Agenda item

Period 1 (April - June) Quarterly Performance Monitoring Report 2020/21

Report of the Interim Chief Executive attached.


Decision made (unanimously):


1.    That Cabinet accepts the recommendations of the Scrutiny Budget and Performance Panel made at its meeting on 14 September 2020.

2.    That Cabinet welcomes the report and thanks officers for their hard work during a challenging period. 

3.    That, following detailed consideration and comments, Cabinet notes the report.







The Leader presented a report of the Interim Chief Executive providing a summary of performance against the Corporate Plan during quarter 1 (April – June) 2020-2021.


He also presented comments and recommendations made by the Scrutiny Budget and Performance Panel at its meeting on 14 September 2020, which were as follows:


1.    the Panel thanks the Leader and Interim Chief Executive for their detailed report and answering the Panel’s questions.

2.    the Panel looks forward to receiving a copy of the Benefits Realisation Plan oncecomplete.

3.    the Panel welcomes the strategic review of council assets and the reassurance that the resources and skills are now in place.

4.    the Panel requests that the evaluation of ‘Active Streets’ and any details of any further roll-out be provided tomembers.

5.    information on progress with the Leyland Loop be provided to members of thePanel.

6.    the Panel commends the council’s approach to supporting residents during the pandemic and the reassurance that the Council will continue to support residents.


The Leader of the Council praised the Council’s performance during Quarter 1 2020/21 in light of the CO-VID 19 pandemic and thanked officers for their hard work during a challenging period. He stressed that the pandemic is still ongoing and that the recovery had yet to commence.


Members and non-members of the Cabinet discussed and commented upon the report. A comment was made with regard to slippage on Member Development due to CO-VID 19 and whether PDPs / training could now be resumed given the Council’s recent investment in technology such as iPads. The Director of Governance indicated that progress had merely been delayed due to the pandemic and that officers were now looking at using the new software to facilitate this. Further to this the Leader of the Council confirmed that a hybrid meeting of the Member Development Steering Group would be held in the next 2-3 weeks.


Councillor Walton expressed concern about the closure of project MH2K and its effect on the mental health of young people. The Interim Chief Executive clarified that although this project had closed, the work of the Council in this area had not. It was agreed Cllr Walton would receive further detail about this following the meeting.


An enquiry was made regarding delays on the work of Green Links due to furloughed staff. The Leader of the Council indicated that he was confident the Council would soon get back on track.


Decision made (unanimously):


1.    That Cabinet accepts the recommendations of the Scrutiny Budget and Performance Panel made at its meeting on 14 September 2020.

2.    That Cabinet welcomes the report and thanks officers for their hard work during a challenging period. 

3.    That, following detailed consideration and comments, Cabinet notes the report.


Reasons for Decision


The Council’s performance framework sets out the process for reporting progress against the objectives of the Corporate Plan. Robust monitoring ensures that the Council continues to deliver its priorities and achieves the best outcomes for residents.


Alternative Options Considered and Rejected


Not applicable.




Supporting documents: