Agenda item

Finance and Public Protection Portfolio Update

Report of the Director of Finance attached.


The Chair invited the Cabinet Member (Finance, Assets and Public Protection), supported by the Director of Finance and the Director of Communities and Leisure, to present the update report on the Finance and Public Protection portfolio.


The Committee were reminded that the report included an update on the portfolio as it was prior to recent changes and therefore did not include the ‘assets’ element of the current portfolio.


On the vision and priorities of the portfolio, Members heard about the desire to ensure financial controls are robust, open, transparent and sustainable. The Committee also heard about the vital role the public protection teams have in protecting and promoting the health and wellbeing of residents across the borough.


The Committee welcomed reassurances that improvements are being made in relation to payments to suppliers on time. Members heard about the processes in place for handling invoices and the additional control measures had been implemented to increase efficiency.


Members noted the increase in numbers of housing repair complaints and heard that greater awareness and willingness to come forward following the tragic case in Rochdale was a likely factor. The need for any additional resources in this area would be reviewed by the Director of Communities and Leisure and incorporated into future budgets if deemed necessary. The Committee noted their gratitude for the work undertaken by the housing and environmental health teams in supporting residents across the borough.


On the number of food safety inspections appearing as late, the Committee were advised that this was a technicality in the reporting system for the Food Standards Agency and that the requirement to complete the annual inspection programme by the end of the financial year would be achieved.


It was confirmed that the role of enforcing regulations introduced recently for XL bully dogs would be undertaken by the Police and not the council, however concerns over an increase in stray XL bully dogs had been overestimated since new regulations had been implemented.


The public protection teams are responsible for regulating establishments undertaking beauty and certain cosmetic treatments, with the teams undertaking regular training on new legislation as it is introduced.


Further clarification was provided to the Committee regarding RIDDOR incidents and the role of the council in investigating health and safety issues.


Following questions on ICT improvements to support the pest control service, it was noted that although it did not impact on the service delivered to customers, improvements in ICT systems would support a more efficient and effective service.


On enhancing the CCTV provision in areas like Leyland and Penwortham, work had been ongoing with Lancashire Police to identify areas where increased CCTV coverage would have the biggest impact, though issues around sufficient footfall and costs were highlighted.


It was subsequently;


Resolved: (Unanimously)


That the Corporate, Performance and Budget Scrutiny Committee;

1.    Thanks the Cabinet Member and Directors for attending and answering questions;


2.    Welcomes the commitment to improving the timescales for payments being made to suppliers further and that six-monthly updates be provided to the committee;


3.    Commends the Housing and Environmental Health teams for their work with some of our most vulnerable residents;


4.    Asks that improvements be made to the number of food safety inspections carried out;


5.    Further information be provided on the issues and delays associated with ICT in delivering public health projects; and 


6.    Requests the outcome of the review of CCTV be provided to committee members.


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