Agenda item

Questions to Cabinet Members


Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member (Property, Assets, Commercial Services)


Councillor Karen Walton asked if businesses surrounding Hope Terrace Car Park could be reassured their comments would be taken into consideration when the car parking scheme was reviewed. Councillor Bylinski Gelder explained that a survey had been undertaken by the Central Villages Community Hub which had produced the same results as the original car parking consultations. Comments would be taken into consideration when a final report is brought before Cabinet in March.


Councillor Walton asked a supplementary question, and asked when the electric vehicle charging points would be active on Hope Terrace Car Park. Councillor Bylinski Gelder responded that she would find out and provide a response outside of the meeting.


Councillor Walton asked if the refuse collection, taking place during school time on Thursday mornings near St Paul’s School could be investigated and rescheduled due to safety concerns. Councillor Bylinski Gelder stated that officers would look into it. Farington Parish Council had recently closed a car park in the area which may be exacerbating the issue.


Cabinet Member (Finance and Public Protection)


A written question had been received in advance from a Member of the Public which asked the following:


“How much of the budget is allocated to maintaining Council Assets, e.g. Playgrounds, Buildings and Bus Shelters.


The Council is trying to get people to use public transport more. But the poor state of bus shelters does nothing to promote this, they are poorly maintained, have poor paintwork, windows missing or broken, lighting is not working, and dangerous electrics.


I have reported a number to neighbourhood services and they stated no budget was allocated. Therefore, these valuable assets fall into disrepair.


FYI the bus stop just outside the Civic Centre was the one with dangerous electrics.”


Councillor Tomlinson explained that the Council would spend around £14.4 million on the maintenance of assets, parks, leisure centres, civic buildings, green and open spaces. There is a day-to-day maintenance budget of approximately £400,000. The Council are responsible for 116 bus shelters which are assessed annually, at the last inspection two needed some remedial works. Four complaints had been received this municipal year regarding bus stops and these had come from the same person.


Cabinet Member (Neighbourhoods and Waste)


Councillor Keith Martin asked if Cabinet could investigate retro fitting or fitting new greener bus shelters. Councillor Matthew Tomlinson took the question and advised that examples had been seen and when refurbishing the Council would consider the possibility.


Cabinet Member (Customer and Digital)


Councillor Karen Walton asked for clarification on the Print Strategy and asked if members could be assured, they would be able to access paper copy agendas if they wish to. Councillor Ian Watkinson explained that the Print Strategy was considered and approved by Cabinet in December. There had been some issues with the printer in the group room but IT Officers were working to fix these. All members and officers had been issues with kit to enable them to do their role without paper, however where members need paper copies for accessibility reasons this would be given.

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