Agenda item

Notice of Motion

In accordance with Standing Order number 3.1(vi) in Part 4A Council Procedure Rules (Standing Orders) of the South Ribble Borough Council’s Constitution dated October 2017 Councillors Paul Foster, Susan Jones JP, Malcolm Donoghue, Ken Jones and Keith Martin have requested that this Extraordinary Meeting of the Council be convened to consider the following Notice of Motion, which has been submitted in accordance with Standing Order number 10.2 in Part 4A of the Constitution dated October 2017.


The purpose of the Meeting is to seek the Removal of the Leader as per Standing Order number 11.1 of Part 4A of the Constitution dated October 2017 and subsequently appoint a replacement upon the Motion being carried.


This Motion is proposed by Councillor Paul Foster and seconded by Councillor Susan Jones JP.




“1.        As individuals who are in a position of great responsibility, this Council no longer believes that the Leader and Cabinet are deemed fit to hold that position as they are continuingly failing to carry out their obligations in a diligent and professional manner to the detriment of the local community we represent. Therefore this Council now has No Confidence in the Leader and Cabinet.


2.         It is therefore decided that:


a.    The Executive Leader of the Council be formally removed, as per Standing Order 11.1, Part 4 – Page 9 of the South Ribble Borough Council Constitution dated October 2017. The Council will then immediately seek nominations from those Members present and appoint a new Executive Leader; and

b.      The newly appointed Executive Leader will then appoint a Cabinet.”


In accordance with Standing Order number 3.1(vi) in Part 4A, Council Procedure Rules (Standing Orders) of the Council’s Constitution, Councillors Paul Foster, Susan Jones JP, Malcolm Donoghue, Ken Jones and Keith Martin had requested that this Extraordinary Meeting of the Council be convened to consider the Notice of Motion set out below, which had been submitted in accordance with Standing Order number 10.2 in Part 4A of the Constitution.


The purpose of the Motion was to seek the removal of the Leader as per Standing Order number 11.1 of Part 4A of the Constitution and subsequently appoint a replacement upon the Motion being carried.


The Interim Monitoring Officer advised the Council on the process to be followed at the meeting to deal with the consideration of the Motion and any potential amendments.


The following Motion was proposed by Councillor Paul Foster and seconded by Councillor Susan Jones JP:


1.            As individuals who are in a position of great responsibility, this Council no longer believe that the Leader and Cabinet are deemed fit to hold that position as they are continuingly failing to carry out their obligations in a diligent and professional manner to the detriment of the local community we represent. Therefore this Council now has No Confidence in the Leader and Cabinet.


2.         It is therefore decided that:


(a)          The Executive Leader of the Council be formally removed, as per Standing Order 11.1, Part 4 – Page 9 of the South Ribble Borough Council Constitution dated October 2017. The Council will then immediately seek nominations from those Members present and appoint a new Executive Leader; and


(b)          The newly appointed Executive Leader will then appoint a Cabinet


Councillors Paul Foster and Susan Jones outlined the concerns of the Labour Group over recent decisions made and actions by the Cabinet and their general dissatisfaction in the administration of the Council by the Conservative Group, and in particular by the Leader and Members of the Cabinet that had led to the submission of the Motion.


An amendment was moved by Councillor Michael Green and seconded by Councillor Michael Nathan that the Motion be amended to read as follows:-


1.        As individuals who are in a position of great responsibility, this Council no longer believes that the Leader is deemed fit to hold that position as he is failing to carry out his obligations in a diligent and professional manner to the detriment of the local community we represent. Therefore this Council now has No Confidence in the Leader.


2.         It is therefore resolved that:


a.    The Executive Leader of the Council be formally removed, as per Standing Order 11.1, Part 4 – Page 9 of the South Ribble Borough Council Constitution dated October 2017.

b.    Councillor Colin Clark be appointed as the Interim Executive Leader, until the next Annual Business Meeting of the Council at the latest; and

c.    The newly appointed Executive Leader will then appoint a Cabinet.


Councillor Michael Green questioned the timing of the meeting in view of the Leader’s (Councillor Peter Mullineaux) unavailability adding that all Cabinet members worked hard in their areas and referred members to the Council’s recent achievements.


Councillor Paul Foster, the mover of the Motion accepted the amendment, which then became the Substantive Motion.


During the debate, Members of the Council expressed their support and opposition to the Substantive Motion and a statement was read out on behalf of the Leader expressing concern the meeting had been held in his absence and defending his record as the Leader of the Council.


Councillor Paul Wharton subsequently moved an amendment to the Substantive Motion relating to the submission of nominations for the post of Leader of the Council but following discussion about the proposal, Councillor Paul Wharton decided to withdraw the amendment without being seconded.


Following further debate, the vote on the Substantive Motion was For: 21, Against: 25 and the Mayor declared that the Substantive Motion was lost and the impact was that no change be made to the Leader of the Council.