Agenda item

Questions to Cabinet Members


Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member (Health and Wellbeing) - Councillor Mick Titherington


Councillor Caroline Moon noted frustrations with the booking system for swimming at Leyland Leisure Centre, with a requirement to book in advance, but spaces available during the booked slot due to swimmers not attending. 

Councillor Titherington agreed to review this. 


Councillor Margaret Smith queried the progress on the refurbishment of the Leisure Centres and related budget. 

Councillor Titherington noted there was an item later on the agenda relating to the refurbishment. 


There was a question from a member of the public, J Hurley. 

The council passed a Notice of Motion in January 2020 opposing the closure of Chorley and South Ribble A & E.  Is there any scope to meet with Councillors to discuss the New Hospitals programme or the new Integrated Care Boards (ICBs)?  Particularly regarding details about the New Hospitals Programme and public scrutiny of the ICB’s. 

Councillor Titherington noted that all members shared concerns regarding the New Hospitals Programme and agreed to meet as requested if the resident contacted him by email to arrange this. 


Cabinet Member (Communities, Social Justice and Wealth Building) –

Councillor Aniela Bylinski Gelder


Councillor Damian Bretherton queried why ‘welcome to Walton Park’ sign had been rejected by the Community Hub. 

Councillor Bylinski Gelder explained that similar welcome projects were in place around the Borough and that decisions on these projects were made by the Hubs themselves.


Councillor Damian Bretherton noted that the railings around the perimeter of the Bells Way play area had not been painted for some time.  Materials had been supplied, but not the labour for the work to be undertaken.

Councillor Bylinski Gelder explained that decisions on these projects were made by the Hubs themselves.


Councillor Damian Bretherton requested the balance of the budget for the Walton-le-Dale ward in May 2019 and to date. 

Councillor Bylinski Gelder noted that the budget position was set out within the reports, but details would be shared following the meeting. 


The Leader of the Opposition, Councillor Karen Walton, queried a delay in organisations receiving funding from the Boost fund and the Leisure Local fund.

Councillor Bylinski Gelder noted that there are a need to undertake due diligence and follow the process required.  There had been communication with the relevant groups regarding timescales. 


Councillor Caleb Tomlinson queried if the Cabinet Member was aware of welcome signs at a number of areas within South Ribble. 

Councillor Bylinski Gelder advised she was not. 


The Leader of the Liberal Democrats, Councillor Angela Turner, queried the process for signing off the Boost funding by the Leader of the Council and herself as Cabinet Member, suggesting that the decision making should be bottom up. 

Councillor Bylinski Gelder noted that the Hubs had determined the projects to move forwards initially following suggestions from the community.  The final decision was taken based on what the Hubs had put forward.  The sign off process had been put in place following a discussion with auditors and officers. 


Councillor Phil Smith suggested the process for allocating the funding for the Community Hubs and Boost funding be shared with members.

Councillor Bylinski Gelder agreed to share relevant information regarding this and discuss the process moving forwards.  She requested Councillor Smith email details of what he would like to enable her to facilitate this.


Cabinet Member (Finance, Property and Assets) – Councillor Matthew



There were no questions.


Cabinet Member Planning, Business Support and Regeneration) – Councillor James Flannery

Councillor Paul Wharton-Hardman queried with residents regarding the new cricket facility in Farington and asked for assurances that the Council would champion the voice of the residents with Lancashire County Council.  Councillor Flannery gave assurance that he would. 


Councillor Caroline Moon noted some issues with the car parking signage at Worden Park.  It wasn’t clear if restrictions were in place only during term time and if vehicles with blue badges were able to return within a time period.  Councillor Alan Ogilvie also queried if restrictions applied to the overflow car park.  Councillor Flannery agreed to investigate the issues and respond following the meeting.