Agenda item

Quarter Four Performance Monitoring Report 2021-2022

Report of the Deputy Chief Executive attached.


The Leader of the Council (Councillor Foster) and the Director of Change and Delivery presented a report which outlined the Council’s performance against the delivery of the Corporate Strategy projects and objectives during Quarter 4 (January – March 2022).


Overall, the majority of projects within the corporate plan were on-track, with one project (Worden Hall) forecast as having delays. The Leader of the Council advised the Worden Hall project would be complete within the next three to four weeks and invited the Committee for a site visit when completed.


The report referred to the Peer Review re-visit and members asked when feedback would be made available. The Leader of the Council explained that a report would be provided to full Council in July giving members a detailed update.


Members asked how the Chorley and South Ribble Partnership evaluated it’s effectiveness to ensure it was value for money. It was clarified, in response, the partnership had met three times and had agreed a strategy which covered three corporate priorities. The partnership were looking at economy and how they could work together post COVID to improve economic outcomes. A lot of work had been undertaken outside of the meeting, and work was underway to review the strategy ready to refresh in September. An update would be brought back to Scrutiny Committee.

In response to a question, the Leader of the Council confirmed that all community hubs should have confirmed their terms of reference and he would ask the Cabinet Member (Communities, Social Justice and Wealth Building) to meet with Councillors Turner and Adams to discuss Penwortham Community Hub.


Referring to the proposed Tourism Strategy, members queried the approach taken by the Council working with consultants before establishing a working group. The Leader of the Council explained that the tourism strategy was an important piece of work, the strategy would focus on the primary visitor attractions in Leyland such as Worden Hall and Hurst Grange and would look to advertise them. The strategy would be designed in conjunction with Chorley Borough Council so the authorities would not be competing with each other.


Members sought clarification on the number of new savers with Unify Credit Union and asked if there would be any outreach activity planned for the union. The Leader of the Council explained the report gave figures as at March, however he would write to members of the committee providing the most up to date figures.


The Chief Executive explained that the credit union operate a spoke model, with Leyland hosting the hub and the union working within local communities. The work within communities is primarily done by volunteers and there could be potential for the community hubs to assist with this.


Members suggested the credit union could utilise a mobile van which could move easily from one area within the borough to another. The Leader of the Council stated he would look further into this.


In response to a member query, the Director of Change and Delivery explained that community co-operatives bring communities together to deliver services that may be needed. It is a local model of working together collectively. Members asked that a register be kept of all community co-operatives as they appear. The Director of Change and Delivery agreed a register would be kept, but explained that it would take some time to establish community co-operatives.


Members requested an update on the progress of Worden Hall. The Leader of the Council explained that there had been delays due to difficulties sourcing materials, as Worden is a listed building only certain materials could be used. Lessons had been learnt for future projects such as the extra care facility, and individuals would be more diligent and responsive to challenges faced, materials would also be pre-ordered.


Members asked what was being done to improve the average call wait time, the Leader of the Council explained that positions were currently being recruited with a number of posts already filled. Additional IT hardware had been acquired and he was confident through summer the call wait times would reduce to a more acceptable time.


Members noted the issues faced with the customer service review implementation and delay in recruitment.


The Leader of the Council assured members that automation would be for those who wanted to use it, there would always be a gateway facility, telephone system and face to face options for those who require it.


Resolved: (Unanimously)


That the Scrutiny Budget and Performance Panel:


1.     Thanks the Leader and Director for their detailed report and answering questions.

2.     Looks forward to the Chorley and South Ribble Partnership presenting its draft action plan to the Scrutiny Committee later in the year.

3.     Asks for more information on the number of credit union members and amount saved and loaned.

4.     Welcomes the commitment to take the credit union out to local communities across the Borough linked to community hubs.

5.     Expresses concern at the customer service wait times and acknowledges the steps being taken to improve the situation and learn for the future.







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