Agenda item

Questions to Members of the Cabinet


Corporate Support & Assets


No questions were asked.




No questions were asked.


Neighbourhoods & Street Scene


Councillor Caleb Tomlinson asked if the portfolio holder agreed that the improvement works to Withy Grove Park looked fantastic and an excellent piece of work by the Council?


The portfolio holder agreed that the park was looking good and was sure that the work was appreciated by residents and visitors to the park.


Public Health, Safety & Wellbeing


(a)       Councillor Ken Jones referred to poisonous air being breathed by residents of Leyland and welcomed the Air Quality Management Area and asked what was actually being done (action plan) to stop this?


The Cabinet member stated that a full borough wide action plan was imminently being brought forward.


(b)       A member of the public asked a question on the same topic referring to information on the Council’s website, a 2016 plan and that Lostock Hall was identified as one of the worst areas.  The issues dated back to 2012 and wanted to know what was being done and when?


The Cabinet member indicated that a lot of the issues were outside the control of this Council. This council did liaise with such bodies as Lancashire County Council being the highway authority. There had been changes and that was why the Council was updating its action plan to address these issues.  If any specific questions were emailed to her she was more than happy to speak to the individual outside the meeting.


Regeneration & Leisure


(a)       Referring to the Gateway features that had been introduced in the borough, Councillor Howarth asked if consideration could be given to assist in the provision of an attractive Gateway feature in Penwortham?


The Cabinet member replied that following recent developments in Penwortham such as the sod cutting for the bypass which would improve regeneration and businesses the Council had ideas in mind which included Gateway features.


(b)       Councillor David Wooldridge sought confirmation of his understanding that City Deal monies were currently being used on projects in Higher Penwortham and not wider Penwortham such as Charnock and Middleforth.


The Cabinet member confirmed that this was in a sense correct in that the area of major expenditure was the identified transport corridor around Liverpool Road.


Strategic Planning & Housing


(a)       Councillor Paul Wharton asked if there was an update on investment in housing to rent?


The Cabinet member asked for the question in writing which he would respond to.


(b)       A member of the public asked whether the Council had set a target for the use of brownfield land in its planning policies?


The Cabinet member replied that the Council supported keeping as much land as possible green and re-using brownfield sites.  As part of the need to have a five year supply of development land it endeavoured that 70% of this was brownfield.  Since 2005 the average percentage of new housing delivered on previously developed land within South Ribble had been 71%. This varied year to year but was in line with the overall target for Central Lancashire. The Council endeavoured to target as much development on brownfield sites as it could but had to balance that against the need to deliver a targeted supply of houses.