Agenda item

Draft Budget 2022/23 and Summary Position over the Medium Term

Report of the Director of Finance and S151 officer attached.


The Cabinet Member for Finance, Property and Assets (Councillor Matthew Tomlinson) and the Director of Finance/Section 151 Officer (Louise Mattinson) presented the draft budget position for 2022/23 including the forecast for the following 2 years to 2024/25.


The draft budget proposed an increase of 1.99% to council tax and members queried why this was deemed necessary when the Council has healthy reserves. It was advised, in response, that the Council needed to account for rising inflation rates.


Confirmation was provided, however, that the 7% inflation rate was not built into the projected cost base for the budget but that it would be subject to review over the forthcoming year. Allowances for rising energy costs had been factored into the budget at various rates.


Clarity was sought over reference to there being no proposed cuts in services in the budget and assurances were provided that all council services would continue to be provided.


Members queried how the government-backed council tax rebate of £150 to households in Bands A-D to help with rising energy costs would impact the council.


In response, it was explained that this had only recently been announced and that further details and guidance on administration was expected imminently.


The committee also welcomed the Cabinet Member’s aim to consult residents on the budget earlier in future years as it was questioned whether a 10-day consultation period was sufficient.


Some concern was expressed over the increase of the Disabled Facilities Grant administration charge from 5% to 12.5% and the impact this may have on disabled residents. Assurances were provided that this would not result in any increased charges to residents and that it would enable recruitment of an additional officer to support the scheme.


Confirmation was also provided in response to a member query that the £35,000 government grant for Brexit preparations had not been used and remained within the Council’s reserves.


The committee challenged reference to the Community Conversations supporting positive mental health for young people after receiving contradictory information at a previous meeting. It was requested that the Thriving Communities section be updated to reflect that this was not the aim of these events.


It was also requested that reference to refurbishment works at Margaret Road playground in Penwortham be included within the investment priorities.


Members also queried the evidence for allocating £200,000 to target fly-tipping hotspots, or ‘grot spots’. It was explained that most of this evidence was a recent spike in complaints of fly tipping and general untidiness, particularly after lockdown.


Members also queried the £3.1 million allocated for the development of affordable homes and requested further information on the funding streams for these projects.


Further information on the Council’s promotion of apprenticeships across the borough was also requested.


In response to a final query regarding the role of the Scrutiny Committee with regards to the Capital Programme, the Cabinet Member commented that the committee would be best placed to assess and challenge the practicality, resources and capacity of the Capital Programme


The committee thanked the Cabinet Member and Director for their detailed report and attendance.


Resolved: (Unanimously)


That the Scrutiny Committee


1.     supports the Cabinet Member’s wish to consult earlier in future years;

2.     asks that the report be updated to clarify that the community conversations were not aimed at supporting positive mental health in young people as confirmed at a previous meeting;

3.     requests that the refurbishment of Margaret Road playground in Penwortham, planned for 2023/2024, be included in the report;


4.     asks that a breakdown of the different funding streams for the £3.1 million allocated for affordable housing be provided; and


5.     welcomes the offer of information on the Council’s role in promoting apprenticeships with businesses and acting as an exemplar being provided to all councillors.

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