Agenda item

Scrutiny Portfolio Update: Strategy and Reform

Report of the Deputy Chief Executive attached.


The Leader of the Council (Councillor Paul Foster) and the Deputy Chief Executive (Chris Sinnott) presented an update on the work of the Strategy and Reform portfolio since May 2019 and responded to members’ comments and queries.


Highlights of what had gone well for the portfolio included the response to the COVID pandemic; the development of shared services with Chorley Council; the resilience of officers throughout the pandemic; and bringing the leisure centre services under the Council’s management.


Challenges facing the portfolio were identified as the COVID recovery efforts; the funding gap affecting local government; ensuring the stability of the council’s governance; the impact of the pandemic and significant change on staff; the retention on staff as a result of these challenges; preparing for and delivering the 2023 local elections; and ensuring the internal communications are effective.


In response to a query regarding how internal communications can be made more effective, it was explained that new tools had been introduced such as bi-monthly Employee Voice meetings, a monthly Team Brief newsletter, and a development programme to promote the role of managers in supporting staff.


Progress on public service reform and the County Deal was also queried and members were advised that a report would shortly be considered by Full Council on joint working in Lancashire, which sought agreement to move forward with the County Deal.


However, desire to maintain a two-tier structure of local government was expressed by the Leader of the Council.


Members queried how the council could continue to strengthen its governance and the advantages of the Scrutiny and Governance Committees in challenging the work of the council and administration were emphasised.


Clarity was also sought as to the meaning of the Corporate Strategy project to “transform the way the council operates”. It was explained, in response, that this referred to fundamental changes to the way the council operates and delivers services.


The committee was keen to note how the Peer Challenge Action Plan would be monitored and it was explained that this would be done by the Cabinet within quarterly performance monitoring reports which are also considered by the Scrutiny Budget and Performance Panel.


A revisit from the peers involved in the review was anticipated to take place in spring 2022 and would hopefully be a face-to-face meeting.


Members noted the delivery of the 2021 events programme and requested further information on events which took place outside of Leyland.


It was acknowledged that the key performance indicators for communications were limited and not outcome-based and the Leader confirmed that this would be reviewed.


Assurances were also provided that there were no issues in recruiting to the vacant Assistant Director of Neighbourhoods post.


Members requested that the results of the Residents’ Survey and Employee Survey be considered by the Scrutiny Committee.


In response to a query regarding how the Scrutiny Committee could continue to support the work of the portfolio, it was requested that the committee continue to challenge the Cabinet.


Questions were also raised by a member not on the committee regarding the development of an app for residents to access council services and any sponsorship or advertising opportunities. Although it was acknowledged that neither of these areas were a top priority for the council, they could be looked into as and when opportunities arise.


The committee thanked the Leader of the Council and the Deputy Chief Executive for their attendance and report.


Resolved: (Unanimously)


That the Scrutiny Committee


1.     welcomes the progress made on the portfolio over the last year;

2.     is grateful for the reassurance that governance remains a focus and priority for the Council and ensuring that it is embedded into the work of the Council;

3.     looks forward to progress reports on the implementation of the peer challenge being presented to Scrutiny;

4.     asks that that future reports includes examples of events and activities around the Borough;

5.     suggests that communications key indicators be developed further for future years and be more outcome focussed;

6.     requests that consideration be given to the Council’s online customer service system allowing third parties to be able to report and make service requests.


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