Agenda item

Corporate Strategy Update 2021

To receive and consider the report of the Deputy Chief Executive.


That the Corporate Strategy 2021/22 – 2023/24 be approved.


The Leader of the Council, Councillor Paul Foster, presented the report of the Deputy Chief Executive which sought approval for the refresh of the Corporate Strategy 2021/22 – 2023/24.


The proposed strategy builds on a year of significant progress to deliver the corporate priorities, while continuing to deliver excellent quality services, providing support to residents in response to the pandemic. The Corporate Strategy for 2020 delivered key outcomes including new affordable housing units, implementing the new community hub model, progress with Worden Hall and the Leyland Town Deal and establishing a joint partnership comprised of key partners for Chorley and South Ribble.


Fifteen priority projects have been identified for delivery over the next 12-18 months, including work to support thriving communities through the enhancement of community hubs and a programme of events and attractions to provide things to do and places to go.


An Exemplary Council

·                Deliver the peer challenge action plan to ensure continued improvement

·                Deliver the shared services development plan to build a more resilient organisation

·                Implement more efficient and effective working practices at the council through the Workplace Strategy

·                Deliver more joined up public services through working with our partners


A fair local economy that works for everyone

·                Deliver transformational regeneration projects including the Town Deal

·                Support communities to access community cooperatives in South Ribble as part of growing a fair local economy

·                Support residents to recover from the pandemic with advice, support and key services


Thriving communities

·                Develop the Youth Council to make sure the views of young people are represented

·                Deliver Music in the Park 2022 and Queens Jubilee Celebrations

·                Review and enhance the community hubs as a primary way to work closely with residents

·                Develop the visitor offer in South Ribble


Good homes, green spaces, healthy places

·                Improve leisure facilities in South Ribble to improve wellbeing

·                Deliver the new Worden Hall complex as a flagship venue

·                Lead action to address climate change for South Ribble

·                Deliver affordable homes


The strategy includes 27 performance indicators to measure and report against in order to demonstrate success and progress towards achieving the priorities and long-term outcomes. All of the measures and targets have been reviewed and updated to ensure that they remain challenging to reflect Council ambition.


It was clarified that the homes being created at the McKenzie Arms will be social housing at affordable rent.  The issue of ‘right to buy’ is currently being investigated. 


Members discussed performance indicators and noted different opinions on whether indicators were sufficiently challenging or consistent.  Indicators would be reviewed as the Strategy moved forwards.  


It was noted that the draft Corporate Strategy had been considered by the Scrutiny Budget and Performance Panel. 


It was proposed by the Leader of the Council, Councillor Paul Foster, seconded by the Deputy Leader of the Council, Councillor Mick Titherington, and subsequently

Resolved (by majority 28:0:18)

That the Corporate Strategy 2021/22 – 2023/24 be approved.


For: Will Adams, Jacky Alty, Jane Bell (Mayor), Renee Blow, Aniela Bylinski Gelder, Mal Donoghue, Bill Evans, James Flannery, Derek Forrest, Paul Foster, Harry Hancock, Mick Higgins, David Howarth (Deputy Mayor), Clare Hunter, Susan Jones, Chris Lomax, Keith Martin, Colin Sharples, David Shaw, Mick Titherington, Caleb Tomlinson, Matthew Tomlinson, Matthew Trafford, Angela Turner, Kath Unsworth, Ian Watkinson, Paul Wharton-Hardman and Carol Wooldridge


Abstention: Damian Bretherton, Julie Buttery, Matt Campbell, Carol Chisholm, Colin Coulton, Mary Green, Michael Green, Jon Hesketh, Cliff Hughes, Jim Marsh, Caroline Moon, Peter Mullineaux, Alan Ogilvie, John Rainsbury, Margaret Smith, Phil Smith, Karen Walton, Gareth Watson,

Supporting documents: