Agenda item

Corporate Strategy Quarterly Performance Monitoring Report, Quarter Two 2021/22

Report of the Deputy Chief Executive attached.


The Chief Executive and the Shared Services Lead for Transformation and Partnerships presented a report of the Deputy Chief Executive which outlined the Council’s performance against the delivery of the Corporate Strategy projects and objectives during Quarter 2 (July-September 2021).


Overall, performance of the projects was good with 11 of 14 projects on-track and one rated amber. Of 8 key performance indicators (KPI’s) reported, 3 were rated green, 3 rated red and 2 yet to be baselined.


The Panel welcomed the progress made in the quarter and queried the processes in place to ensure the validity of the data. Measures such as a shared framework, multiple checks by senior officers and directors, regular monitoring meetings with project managers, officer-led networks and project management boards were in place and members welcomed this reassurance.


Some concerns were expressed over staff vacancies and the impact this may have on the delivery of the Joint Digital Strategy. It was acknowledged that a review of the Council’s IT department had been undertaken and appointments to vacancies would take place shortly. Delivery of the Joint Digital Strategy had continued, with the implementation of Sharepoint and work on Planning software.


Members also welcomed assurances that residents would still be able to have face-to-face and telephone contact with the Council, despite the development of self-service channels.


The Panel commended the Council for having a greater overall employment rate than the North West average but requested that future performance indicators choose more appropriate comparators which are similar to South Ribble in terms of geography, affluence and demographic.


This had been a focus of discussion at a recent Chorley and South Ribble Partnership Economic Summit and a commitment was provided to share the outcomes of this with members.


Members expressed slight concern over it taking an average of 21 days to process a new Housing Benefits claim and queried what could be done to improve this. In response, it was acknowledged that additional resources were needed, and that digitisation was key to enable data transfer which would ultimately expedite the process.


It was noted that 27,500 trees had been planted in South Ribble in 2021 and further information was requested on how those which survive and thrive are monitored and managed and the length of time it would take for these trees to mature.


The Panel also commended the work of the Planning department for deciding on 100% of major planning applications within 13 weeks and asked that their congratulations be passed onto staff.


Resolved: (Unanimously)


That the Scrutiny Budget and Performance Panel


1.    thanks the Chief Executive and Shared Services Lead for Transformation and Partnerships for their report and answering questions;

2.    welcomes the reassurance that the Council has robust data quality policies and procedures in place;

3.    asks that future performance indicators choose more appropriate comparators which are similar to South Ribble and our Borough, to help make the most of the benchmarking data available;

4.    expresses gratitude for the offer of the outcomes from the post-COVID Economic Summit and updated key issues for South Ribble being provided to Members;

5.    expresses concern at the time taken to process new housing benefit claims and requests that the plans to improve this are expedited and additional resources be made available to improve performance;

6.    requests that further information be provided on how the number of trees that are planted that survive and thrive are monitored and managed; and

7.    congratulates the Planning Team on the improved performance with regards the % of planning applications decided within 13 weeks.


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