Agenda item

Revenue and Capital Budget Monitoring

Report of the Director of Finance and Section 151 Officer attached.


The Panel considered reports of the Director of Finance which provided an update on the Council’s revenues and reserves and overall financial position as at 30 September 2021.


Members queried the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the Council’s finances and were informed that the Council had benefitted from central government funding, which both compensated for income lost from fees and charges and reimbursed the Council for the redeployment of staff to frontline roles.


Clarification was sought as to a surplus of £149,000 on housing benefit subsidy and members suggested that this could be utilised to improve the time taken to process new claims.


In response to discussion, it was acknowledged that a reduction in income generated by trade waste could be as a result of less waste amongst businesses or due to the competitive market.


The Panel acknowledged the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on recruiting apprentices, which currently had an underspend of £44,000, and requested an update on the current position of apprenticeships within the Council and how this underspend could be reduced.


Clarification was also provided on the Net Interest Receivable/Payable overspend.


Members also thanked the Cabinet Member and staff for the site visit to Worden Hall which had been held in the previous week.


Resolved: (Unanimously)


That the Scrutiny Budget and Performance Panel


1.    thanks the Cabinet Member for Finance, Property and Assets and Director of Finance for their report and answering questions;

2.    asks that consideration be given to the housing benefit surplus of £149,000 being used to improve the speed of processing housing benefits claims;

3.    looks forward to an update on the recruitment of apprentices and reducing the £44,000 underspend; and

4.    expresses its gratitude to the Cabinet Member and staff for the site visit to Worden Hall held on 12 November 2021.


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