Issue - meetings

Worden Hall project Update

Meeting: 13/02/2020 - Scrutiny Committee (Item 42)

42 Worden Hall project Update pdf icon PDF 85 KB

Report of the Assistant Director for Property and Housing attached.


The Cabinet Member for Finance, Property and Assets (Councillor Matthew Tomlinson) and the Assistant Director of Property and Housing (Peter McHugh) presented a report on the progress of the Worden Hall project to the Committee and responded to members’ comments and queries.


A clear steer had been received through the public consultation and significant investment was anticipated for the Hall as a result.


Members were informed that an indicative timescale had been devised, with a planning application to be submitted in May 2020 and works to begin in autumn 2020. It was anticipated that works would last for 12 months.


Around 500 people had responded to the public consultation regarding the future of Worden Hall and members queried the demographic of respondents. Responses had largely been submitted online but there had been substantial attendance at open days. Councillor Tomlinson acknowledged that some users of Worden Park are not South Ribble residents, but a significant number of respondents resided in Leyland.


In response to a query around the social value of the project, limitations in measurability were recognised. In order to assess the social value of the works to the Hall, the demographic of customers and visitors would be assessed to understand the appeal and uses of the Hall.


Members expressed some concern with the possibility of overspending and sought reassurance around the measures that the Council would take to mitigate any risk of this. The timescale for delivery of the project would be carefully managed and the Council would appoint external agencies to provide professional expertise where required. Members were also assured that officers have allowed for contingencies within the project’s budget. 


It was anticipated that by the next meeting of the Scrutiny Committee in March 2020, the funding for the project will have been confirmed by Full Council and work on the planning application will have progressed.


The Committee welcomed the progress made and thanked the Cabinet Member and Assistant Director for their attendance.


RESOLVED: (Unanimously)




1.    the Scrutiny Committee welcomes the progress made on bringing Worden Hall back into use.


2.    the Scrutiny Committee welcomes the proposals for the opening of Worden Hall in autumn 2021.


3.    the Scrutiny Committee looks forward to a further update at the next meeting.

Meeting: 12/02/2020 - Cabinet (Item 99)

99 Worden Hall project Update pdf icon PDF 85 KB

Report of the Assistant Director for Property and Housing attached.


Decision made (Unanimously):

1.    That subject to the approval of the capital programme as part of the budget approval process that Cabinet approves the capital and revenue costs contained within Appendix 1 to bring Worden Hall back into use with the aim to generate an annual operational surplus.

2.    That Cabinet approves the submission of a planning application for Worden Hall based upon the plans as outlined within Appendix 1.



The Cabinet Member for Finance, Property and Assets, Councillor Matthew Tomlinson presented the report which updated Cabinet on the capital and revenue costings associated with bringing Worden Hall back into use and provided plans of what the refurbished Hall would look like. These plans would form the basis of an application for planning permission to take the refurbishment project forward.


In response to Councillor Alan Ogilvie’s concerns regarding the robustness of the business case, including the future maintenance of the Hall, the Cabinet Member reassured those present that a long-term business plan had been produced. This had been supported in the public consultation and future maintenance had been considered through the asset maintenance plan. A sensitivity analysis had been undertaken and it was agreed this could be circulated with Members.


The Cabinet and Members present extended their thanks to officers for their hard work on this project.


Decision made (Unanimously):

1.    That subject to the approval of the capital programme as part of the budget approval process that Cabinet approves the capital and revenue costs contained within Appendix 1 to bring Worden Hall back into use with the aim to generate an annual operational surplus.

2.    That Cabinet approves the submission of a planning application for Worden Hall based upon the plans as outlined within Appendix 1.


Reason(s) for the decision:

  1. Following an extensive public consultation exercise which resulted in over 500 responses to the 3 investment options for Worden Hall, a report was provided to Cabinet on 16th October 2019 which summarised the feedback received and recommended that further work was required to develop a finalised option for consideration by Cabinet in January 2020.
  2. At the Cabinet meeting on 16th October it was recommended that a multi -disciplinary officer working group be established to work through the development of an enhanced Option 1 Community use to incorporate small weddings and events.
  3. The officer group has met on 3 occasions and have worked with consultants Purcell and Amion (report authors for the Options Appraisal on which the public consultation was based) to develop the proposals contained within this report.
  4. The feedback from the public consultation exercise clearly stated that plans for Worden Hall needed to be economically viable and that the Hall must be able to run without recourse to subsidy from the council. This has been fully taken onboard and built into the business plan for the Hall.
  5. At the Cabinet Meeting on 22 January 2020 Cabinet recommended that a further report be brought back to the next meeting in February 2020 providing detailed costings for the capital works to bring Worden Hall back into use.


Alternative Options Considered and Rejected:

  1. The Council could choose not to develop Worden Hall. This is not recommended as the feedback from the public consultation exercise strongly supported the Council investing in the Hall and bringing it back into use.