Issue - meetings

Quarter 2 Performance Monitoring Report

Meeting: 13/11/2019 - Cabinet (Item 59)

59 Quarter 2 Performance Monitoring Report pdf icon PDF 167 KB

Report of the Interim Chief Executive attached.

Additional documents:


Decision made (Unanimously):

1.    Cabinet notes that the performance summary outlined within Quarter 2, reflects the deliverables and priorities identified by the previous administration and Corporate Plan, approved February 2019.

2.    Cabinet note the update in progress on implementation of the approved Corporate Plan, September 2019.

3.    Cabinet note a correction to the report on Quarter 1, against the measure reported on a number of complaints. It was reported that 38 complaints were made, however this should have been 31.

4.    Cabinet agree an amendment to the following measures for future reporting based on trend and narrative rather than applying a RAG rating approach:

·         Number of complaints Resolved;

·         % of Complaints Upheld



The Leader of the Council, Councillor Paul Foster, presented a report of the Interim Chief Executive that updated on the Quarter 2 performance against those programmes, projects and key performance indicators agreed by the Council within the Corporate Plan approved in February and refreshed and approved in September 2019.


At the end of Quarter 2, the Council could report that of the 32 live projects contained within the Corporate Plan, 31 were on track.


At the request of the Scrutiny Budget and Performance Panel, further information had been provided on homelessness in the Borough and what the Council is doing to alleviate it. The report detailed the duty of the Council, the reasons why people present as homeless or at risk, the role of temporary accommodation and bed and breakfast and the work that had been undertaken on the Homeless Strategy Review.


Decision made (Unanimously):

1.    Cabinet notes that the performance summary outlined within Quarter 2, reflects the deliverables and priorities identified by the previous administration and Corporate Plan, approved February 2019.

2.    Cabinet note the update in progress on implementation of the approved Corporate Plan, September 2019.

3.    Cabinet note a correction to the report on Quarter 1, against the measure reported on a number of complaints. It was reported that 38 complaints were made, however this should have been 31.

4.    Cabinet agree an amendment to the following measures for future reporting based on trend and narrative rather than applying a RAG rating approach:

·         Number of complaints Resolved;

·         % of Complaints Upheld


Reason(s) for the decision:

In line with the Council’s performance framework, performance reports for all quarters (Quarters 1, 2, 3 and 4) are considered by the Council’s Leadership Team, Scrutiny Budget and Performance Panel and Cabinet, with a final annual report being considered by Full Council at the end of the financial year.


Alternative Options Considered and Rejected:
