Issue - meetings

Vehicle Procurement

Meeting: 13/11/2019 - Cabinet (Item 71)

Vehicle Procurement

Report of the Director of Neighbouhoods and Development attached.


Decision made (Unanimously):

1.    Cabinet approves the recommendations in the confidential report.


The Cabinet Member (Finance, Property and Assets), Councillor Matthew Tomlinson, presented a report of the Director of Neighbourhoods and Development that sought approval to commit capital expenditure and accept the most economically advantageous tenders for the procurement of the vehicles.


Decision made (Unanimously):

1.    Cabinet approves the recommendations in the confidential report.


Reason(s) for the decision:

To enable the continued delivery of services to residents of the Borough through the provision of effective and suitable vehicles.


Alternative Options Considered and Rejected:

The retention of the existing vehicles was considered however maintenance costs for these vehicles has now started to show a steep increase, in addition, over time these vehicles will be unreliable leading to a deterioration in the service. It will also remove the opportunity to reduce current levels of particulates released into the air and reduce air pollution within the Borough.


Consideration was also given to contract hire.