Issue - meetings

Corporate Performance Report at the End of Quarter 3

Meeting: 07/03/2019 - Scrutiny Committee (Item 52)

52 Corporate Performance Report at the End of Quarter 3 pdf icon PDF 218 KB

Report of the Chief Executive attached.

Additional documents:


The Leader of the Council (Councillor Margaret Smith) and Deputy Chief Executive (Resources and Transformation)/Section 151 Officer (Tim Povall) addressed the Committee and responded to members’ comments and enquiries relating to the Corporate Performance Report at the end of Quarter 3.


During the discussion, the Committee’s comments and enquiries included the following areas:


·         It was expressed that the format and presentation of the project table made it difficult to read. This was noted and would be altered for future reports.


·         The use of the colour green to signify performance or delivery which is on target was queried as some projects may have been on track but were not yet complete. The Committee was informed that the colour schemes provided a commentary in terms of themes and projects but that the minutiae of detail was not feasible for each individual project.


·         Members asked for greater clarity to be provided in relation to the detail against each target and the process by which they become green for future reports.


·         The process by which the Council learns from complaints received, to mitigate risk of receiving the same complaint again, was queried. It was stated that the preferred method is through meetings and training for both staff at the Civic Centre and those on the frontline.


·         The data on crime in the borough from Lancashire Constabulary was unavailable, despite a Committee Member having been told a week prior that information was now available. It was requested that the comments in the health and wellbeing table be updated with the relevant information.


·         The methodology constraints on comparing the number of children participating in extra-curricular activities between Quarters when the seasons are different were acknowledged. The possibility of measuring this yearly was raised. 


·         The ‘on target’ status of the Leyland and Lostock Hall Masterplans was queried, as the Committee believed them to be uncomplete. Disappointment was also expressed that information on these had not been reported to members of the Leyland and Central Forums.


RESOLVED: (Unanimously)




1.    tables within the report be made easier to read from a font, size and colour perspective.


2.    greater commentary be provided against milestones to show the journey.


3.    community safety information showing data not available be provided to the Committee as soon as possible.


4.    consideration be given that the indicator on young people taking part in activities becomes an annual measure and that other measures are reviewed to see if this would be more appropriate.


5.    concern be expressed at Members not being involved to date in the Leyland and Lostock Hall masterplanning that has commenced.