Issue - meetings

Leisure Campus Contract

Meeting: 12/09/2018 - Cabinet (Item 28)

Leisure Campus (Contract Award)

Report of the Director of Neighbourhoods and Development attached.


Decision made: (Unanimously)


That the recommendations in the confidential report be approved.


The Cabinet considered a report by the Director of Neighbourhoods and Development which sought delegated authority to enter into a contract with Faithful and Gould Limited via the PAGABO Framework to procure the services of a comprehensive design and development team to aid the progress of the Leyland Campus project.


Councillor Paul Foster expressed his concern about the lack of detail within the report that included, the commercial terms of the consultants, the format of a design team, schedule of fees, development programme and risk register.


At meetings of the cross party working group, Members had been assured that any financial decisions would be taken by the full Council and as the final Masterplan for the Campus had not yet been completed, asked for this decision to be deferred.


In response, the Cabinet Member (Asset and Transformation) indicated that he was satisfied with the measures that had been undertaken by officers on the project so far and was happy to support the recommendation.


Decision made: (Unanimously)


1.    That Cabinet endorses the utilisation of the PAGABO’s national framework for Professional Services in Construction and Premises, as the preferred procurement route for developing the leisure element of the Leyland Campus detailed within the report.


2.    That Cabinet grant delegated authority to the Director of Neighbourhoods and Development in consultation with the Cabinet Member (Asset and Transformation and Cabinet Member (Public Health, Leisure and Wellbeing) to enter into a contract with Faithful+Gould to design, manage construction and deliver the leisure building element of the Leyland Campus project on the basis that the final proposal does not exceed £1.8m under the trims of a full RIBA scheme of works appended to the report.


Reason(s) for the Decision:


1.  Development of campuses is a key element of the Health and Wellbeing priority within the approved Corporate Plan and Capital Strategy. Cabinet at its meeting on 21 June 2018, gave authority to go down a route of a single source, direct award framework.


2.  The appointment of a development team for the leisure element of the Leyland Campus is essential to move the project forward. Without this the project and hence the whole programme would stall. The single source direct award via the PAGABO framework is the preferred route for the Council to secure the wide range of services required. This route does ensure compliance with the Official Journal of European Union (OJEU) procurement process, secures best value and enables the Council to move forward with the project. This chosen route via PAGABO will also allow the Council to build in flexibility and adjust the resources required as the project evolves.


Alternative Options Considered and Rejected:

