Issue - meetings

AGS Action Plan - Update

Meeting: 22/09/2020 - Governance Committee (Item 56)

56 AGS Action Plan - Update

Report of the Director of Governance and Monitoring Officer is to follow.



The Committee received a report of the Director of Governance and Monitoring Officer which sought to update members on the progress made on the implementation of the approved Annual Governance Statement.


Members were advised that a lengthy action plan arose from the Annual Governance Statement, and progress had been made with most actions with a majority being delivered. The risk management and policy framework had been reviewed, with the responsibility for the corporate risk register being placed with the Transformation and Partnerships service. Training on ethical governance had also been provided to members and had been well attended, this would be organised for Officers moving forwards.


The Director of Governance advised members, following an enquiry, that the corporate risk register had been placed within the Transformation and Partnerships Service due to their responsibility for overseeing the Council’s corporate priorities. This was in line with practice at other local authorities.


Although significant progress had been made, there was still actions which required more work, such as the review of the constitution. Although this had largely been completed it still required consideration by the Governance Committee Constitutional Task Group.


In response to a member enquiry, the Interim Chief Executive explained that internal policies, once reviewed, would be signed off by the relevant portfolio holder and published for Members to access.


RESOLVED: (Unanimously)


That the report be noted.