Decision details

McKenzie Arms Contractor Appointment (Stage 2)

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member (Finance, Assets and Public Protection)

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Decision made


1.     To appoint the contractor as detailed in the report for the completion of Stage 2 of the McKenzie Arms affordable housing development for the sum specified in the report.

2.     To acknowledge that the overall cost to deliver the scheme is £3,063,500, this includes a £135,000 contingency and is within the approved capital programme.

3.     To acknowledge that an update report on the scheme will be taken to Cabinet in February/March 2022.


Reasons for  decision


4.     To deliver the McKenzie Arms affordable housing development.

5.     To ensure that high quality affordable homes are delivered to meet the current demand.


Other options considered and rejected


6.     To not progress with the capital development (Stage 2 appointment of contractor).  This has been rejected as this would not deliver on the objectives of the project and deliver much needed affordable housing.

7.     The options considered and rejected to progress the scheme were reviewed in the previous report to Council dated 22.09.21.


Publication date: 15/12/2021

Date of decision: 15/12/2021

Effective from: 23/12/2021

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