Meeting documents

Shared Services Joint Committee
Monday, 9th March, 2009

 Date: Monday 19 January 2009 Time: 3.30pm Place: Wheel Room, Civic Centre, West Paddock, Leyland PR25 1DH

 Present: Councillors Mr A Cain, Mr C J Clark, Mr A Cullens and Mr S M Robinson
 In attendance: Garry Barclay (South Ribble BC), Sue Guinness (Chorley BC), Gary Hall (Chorley BC), Andy Houlker (South Ribble BC), Paul Morris (Project Manager) and Mike Nuttall (South Ribble BC)
 Public attendance: None
 Other Officers: None

Item Description/Resolution Status Action
1 Appointment of Chairman

Councillor Clark be appointed chairman for the remainder of the municipal year 2008/09.

(Councillor Clark took the chair)

2 Appointment of Vice-chairman

Councillor Cullens be appointed vice-chairman for the remainder of the municipal year 2008/09.
3 Welcome by the Chairman and Introductions

Councillor Clark welcomed those present who briefly introduced themselves.
4 Apologies for Absence

There were none.
5 Declarations of Interest

There were none.
6 Terms of Reference

The suggested terms of reference for the joint committee were received and accepted.
7 Standing Orders

The suggestion that South Ribble Borough Council?s Standing Orders in so far as they related to such meeting be adopted for the proceedings of the joint committee. In the unlikely event of a conflict between those standing orders and the joint committee?s constitution, the constitution would take precedence.
8 Progress Update on the Shared Services Agreement and Arrangements
a. Highlight Report - Shared Services Project
b. Proposed Performance Management Arrangements

a) i) Highlight Report - Report attached
a) ii) Highlight Report - Appendix attached
b) i) Performance Mgt Arrangements - Report attached
b) ii) Performance Mgt Arrangements - App A1 attached
b) iii) Performance Mgt Arrangements - App A2 attached
b) iv) Performance Mgt Arrangements - App B1 attached
b) v) Performance Mgt Arrangements - App B2 attached

a. Highlight Report ? Shared Services Project

The committee received a progress report which would be a regular item for future meetings.

The legal agreement for the shared services project had now been finalised and signed and dealt with the liabilities between both councils. The shared services partnership had gone live on schedule on 5 January 2009. It had now entered the very detailed implementation stage to ensure that both councils? services were established effectively whilst preserving and maintaining the existing high standards of service provision.

The committee expressed its gratitude to all staff involved in the creation of this partnership, in particular the support provided by staff from within the IT, legal, personnel and property services teams at both councils.

It was noted the project had already delivered immediate savings and the Partnership budget would be included in the report and finalised for consideration at the next meeting.

The committee was pleased to note work was advanced to be able to fill the remaining vacancies identified in the report fairly soon.

1. That the progress made and contents of the Project Highlight Report be carefully noted and the joint committee looks forward to receiving a further update at the next meeting; and
2. The joint committee?s gratitude be forwarded to those staff involved in the creation of the partnership.

b. Proposed Performance Management Arrangements

The joint committee received a report on proposed performance management arrangements for the Finance and Assurance Shared Services Partnership. This includes establishing the governance and performance management arrangements which are coordinated through the joint committee.

Whilst targets were being worked up and would be reported to the next meeting of the joint committee, given this will be the first year of operation, it might need a 12 month period to see how realistic these were. It was appreciated this innovative partnership was currently not an area with much best practise information. Similarly there was a balance to be struck between service cost and satisfaction of service. Although it was re-emphasised that one of the partnership?s key aims was to be ?best of breed?.

It was noted that there would be a need for separate external audit arrangements for the joint committee to that to both councils and discussions were ongoing with the District Auditor.

1. That the reporting and performance management arrangements set out in this report be approved;
2. That in respect of Appendix B2, the reporting timescales of the following items be amended
- Audit Plan (by the start of the financial year)
- Assurance Strategy (comprising Business Continuity Strategy, Audit Strategy and Risk Management Strategy) annual by October]
9 Forward Plan
Document attached

The joint committee received and noted the Forward Plan.
10 Dates for Future Meeting

The committee had received a list of suggested monthly dates for meetings over the next 12 months.

1. That future meetings of the joint committee start at 3.30pm;
2. That the proposed meeting scheduled for 16 February 2009 be cancelled due to a lack of business; and
3. That whilst the suggested future dates were noted, it was agreed the dates of meetings between March and June be further examined so that they were in alignment with financial reporting.

  Published on Friday 27 February 2009
(The meeting finished at 4.26pm)
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