Meeting documents

Scrutiny Committee
Tuesday, 31st January, 2017

 Date: Tuesday 13 December 2016 Time: 6.00pm Place: Wheel Room, Civic Centre, West Paddock, Leyland PR25 1DH

 Present: Councillor Titherington (in the chair)

Councillors Coulton, Michael Green, Mrs S Jones, Martin, M Tomlinson, Mrs K Walton and Mrs Woollard
 In attendance: Steve Nugent (Head of Human Resources) and Andy Houlker (Senior Democratic Services Officer)

Also in Attendance
Councillor Clark (Cabinet member for Corporate Support & Assets), Mark Gaffney (Director of Neighbourhoods, Environmental Health & Assets) and Mandy Catterall (Property Services Manager)
 Public attendance: 0
 Other Officers: Councillors Bennett, Clark, Foster, Hughes, Mrs Moon and Mrs Snape and 6 officers

Item Description/Resolution Status Action
23 Apologies for Absence

Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Bird, Suthers, Watkinson and Wharton.

24 Declarations of Interest

There were no declarations of interest.

25 Minutes of the Last Meeting
Minutes attached

RESOLVED (unanimously):
That the minutes of the meeting held on 25 October 2016 be approved as a correct record and signed by the chairman.

26 Matters Arising from Previous Meeting(s)
Information attached

The committee considered the list of matters arising from the last and earlier meetings. The committee again commented and stressed the need to receive further information about Wesley Street Mill. Similarly, it still waited to receive any clarity on the business case for efficiency saving in environmental health.

RESOLVED (unanimously) that:
1. those items not covered by the discussion on the following two items remain on the list;
2. further information be provided on Wesley Street Mill for the next meeting of the committee; and
3. further information/clarity be provided on the business case for efficiency saving in environmental health for the next meeting of the committee.

27 Strategic Property and Asset Review - presentation
Presentation/Appendix to Minutes (4M/bytes) attached

Further to min. no.60, 19 April 2016, the chairman welcomed Councillor Clark (Cabinet member for Corporate Support & Assets), Mark Gaffney (Director of Neighbourhoods, Environmental Health & Assets) and Mandy Catterall (Property Services Manager) who attended, addressed and responded to the committee.

The item began with a presentation to the committee on the council?s consultant?s review covering scope, strategic context, Civic Centre, Worden Hall, Moss Side Depot, commercial property portfolio, Leyland Market Hall and next steps. A copy of the presentation is appended to these minutes.

In respect of letting office space in the Civic Centre, it was explained that was more attractive to a public sector organisation rather than one from the private sector because of access arrangements. The council?s summarised possible options were discussed. Further to recent news, it was confirmed that the Department of Works & Pensions (DWP) was very interested in occupying office space in the Civic Centre. Discussions were on-going with other potential partners.

Regarding Worden Hall, this was largely unused and if this continued would become an increasing liability. It had been pleasing that a recent building survey had indicated the cost of bringing it back into use had been less than anticipated (?225,000 of which ?130,000 were considered essential). Similar to the Civic Centre, five possible options had been considered, three of which were discounted.

It was felt that Moss Side Depot was well located and utilised and the building was adequate for operational needs which could benefit from investment to continue to support needs.

The Commercial Property Portfolio included 92 assets generating ?770,000 income pa with a gross yield of 11.6% (market average was between 10.5%-12.5%). There was a heavy bias towards industry reflecting the area/local economy. The portfolio would benefit from more diversity.

Leyland Market had 100% occupancy with a waiting list. Whilst traded well there was a need to continue to seek innovation and see it remained current and competitive.

Looking at the way forward/next steps, there was a lot of information but in respect of the Civic Centre and Worden Hall, the need to occupy vacant space/banqueting suite and find a commercial partner. In respect of the DWP it was felt the council would benefit from their occupancy attracting other partners. Members would be update on the banqueting suite and that a business model was needed to exploit facilities and increase income. It was intended to create a cross party member working group looking at such as the civic centre, worden hall and the banqueting suite.

There was a discussion around the possible restaurant (and/or broader leisure interest/use) option at Worden Hall with an external partner on a commercial footing. The council would fund the previously mentioned structural works and look to a partner (client) funding refurbishment works. The costs of any access arrangements would be funded by the council.

The committee was advised that the actual report contained a lot of sensitive information not for the public domain and it was felt that some of members? queries would be addressed with the creation of the working group.

RESOLVED (unanimously) that:
1. the committee thanks the Cabinet member for Corporate Support & Assets, Director of Neighbourhoods, Environmental Health & Asset Management) and Property Services Manager for their attendance and responses to the committee;
2. the committee welcomes and receives the presentation which it would digest;
3. the committee agrees with and welcomes the creation of a cross party member working group;
4. the committee looks forward to having further discussions about the way forward; and
5. the committee feels it may have other questions/points to put forward and would give more thought as to whether to invite the external consultants to its next meeting on 31 January 2017.

28 Corporate Plan, Medium Term Financial Strategy and Risk 2017-2018
Report attached
Appendix 2 attached
Appendix 1 attached

The council annually reviewed/refreshed its Corporate Plan to identify any issues that might help it achieve its vision and priorities. The committee was asked to consider what those key issues were, and what it would like to see included in the corporate plan, medium term financial strategy and risk register for 2017/18. The committee considered and commented on the key issues it would like to see in next year?s Corporate Plan, Medium Term Financial Strategy and Risk Register. This included

- the corporate plan had not changed for over six years
- as previously commented there needed to be a SMART (specific, measureable, achievable, realistic and time bound) approach
- last 18 months emphasised need for openness, transparency and accountability in the council?s decision making
- objectives be specific with clearly identified priorities
- actions link to objectives with project plans showing what these will contribute to what was to be achieved
- objectives and actions be realistically achievable, identified stages and time bound, thereby providing a measure of progress and direction of travel
- read this year?s comments in conjunction with those submitted last year
- Clean, Green and Safe priority to include Safeguarding and council structures, policies and procedures fit for the council to meet its responsibilities to residents, ensuring all staff and councillors aware of their responsibilities, a review of all services to restore resident confidence and safeguarding was best practice
- development of an action plan for the council?s vision of Worden Park and its maintenance/investment plan be available to scrutiny
- inclusion of specific targets for litter/dog fouling
- state clear plans for health and social care programme, adding such as health inequalities, dementia friendly borough and specific role/participation in the health and wellbeing partnership board
- specific actions of addressing air quality
- strategic review of leisure services and how meet future needs
- Efficient, Effective and Exceptional Council priority ? develop further income streams towards self-sufficiency ? review with a SMART approach organisational structure to ensure maximise use of resources (including addressing staff morale and the appointment of a permanent CEO)
- develop business/project plans for proposed efficiencies indicating impact on services and show they can be delivered in an efficient and effective way
- develop a business transformation strategy making full use of user friendly information technology
- the risk register needed revision with a view to providing more informative about the risks to the council, including possible consequences if not addressed, explanation why a risk has changed status (such as amber to red or vice-versa), identification of real risks to the council with associated actions

The Interim Chief Executive (in the audience) appreciated the comments indicating the council had a challenging tight timescale to approach it corporate plan. Therefore it was proposed to conduct a fundamental review next year. There would shortly be a public and peer review of the council and there were plans to introduce increased better monitoring arrangements which would involve the governance and scrutiny committees.

RESOLVED (unanimously): that the committee?s comments on the consultation be based on those made above.

29 Scrutiny Matters
Cabinet Forward Plan attached
Scrutiny Forward Plan attached

a) Membership of Scrutiny Task Groups (Standing Health Scrutiny Steering Group / Scrutiny Review of the Banqueting Suite) ? the position to date was noted.

b) Verbal report on the Scrutiny Committee?s tour of Worden Park, Leyland and Hurst Grange Park, Penwortham ? Councillor Mrs S Jones reported on the visits to the two parks which had been beneficial for members of the committee similar to the annual visits to the leisure centres. Members had seen a lot of the two parks, at Worden Park then had been accompanied by council officers (Andrew Richardson and Greg Clark) and Councillor G Walton and at Hurst Grange by Friends of the Park. Members would like to visit other parks and play areas.

c) Verbal update on Lancashire County Council's Health Scrutiny Committee - the chairman indicated discussion had been around Chorley & South Ribble Hospital?s A&E Department and he had circulated the minutes to the committee.

d) Member feedback on meeting(s) and training attended on behalf of the committee ? the chairman and Councillor Martin updated members on meetings and training they had attended.

e) Cabinet and Scrutiny Forward Plans ? the plans were noted although there was an enquiry about the Shadow Lancashire Combined Authority-Constitution (Cabinet Forward Plan). The Interim Chief Executive (in the audience) explained a lot relied on Monday?s meeting of Lancashire District Leaders and whether the January timescale would be kept. She had discussed with Councillor Mullineaux about holding a member learning hour to inform all members before this matter was considered by council.


  Published on Wednesday 11 January 2017
The meeting finished at 7.24pm