Meeting documents

Governance Committee
Thursday, 29th April, 2010

 Date: Monday 8 March 2010 Time: 6.00pm Place: Cross Room, Civic Centre, West Paddock, Leyland, PR25 1DH

 Present: Councillors O'Hare (in the chair), Breakell and Hamman
 In attendance: Corporate Director (Policy and Neighbourhoods) (John Dakin), Head of Corporate Governance (Maureen Wood), Democratic Services Manager (Martin O'Loughlin and Democratic Services Officer (Carol Eddleston)
 Public attendance: 1
 Other Officers: 0

Other Members

Councillor Clark

Item Description/Resolution Status Action
40 Apologies for Absence

Apologies for absence were submitted on behalf of Councillors Mrs Ball and O'Hare.
41 Minutes of the Last Meeting
Minutes attached


That the minutes of the meeting held on 17 February 2010 be approved as a correct record and signed by the chairman.
42 Review of the Constitution
Draft report (84K/bytes) attached

For the benefit of the others present the chairman explained that the Constitution Task Group had met three times in the course of its review of the Constitution.

Councillor Clark and the member of the public were provided with a copy of the group?s recommendations, which included a number of proposed changes to Parts 1, Summary, 2 Articles and 3 Responsibility for Functions, which were required for legislative reasons, and, a list of proposed changes to 21 Standing Orders.

The chairman confirmed that the Task Group had agreed some changes to the recommendations in the report at its final meeting earlier in the day and these would be incorporated in the report before presentation to Cabinet on 31 March and Council on 14 April. The report would be circulated with the papers for those meetings and councillors and members of the public would have an opportunity to make comments and ask questions on it at those meetings in the usual way.

In response to a request from the member of the public for careful consideration of the content relating to citizens? rights, the chairman explained that the committee?s priority this year had been a detailed review of Standing Orders. It would be deciding in due course which parts/s should be its main focus for the next review.


1. That the proposed changes to the Constitution identified in Section 4.1 of the report be agreed.

2. That the existing Protocols for ?Member involvement in Planning Procedures? and ?Dealing with the Media? be reviewed.

3. That Protocols for ?Member involvement in Partnerships? and ?Petitions?, as outlined in the report, be developed.

4. That the Leader and cabinet executive model (a councillor elected as leader for a 4 year term and two or more councillors of the authority appointed to the executive by the executive leader) as identified in Section 4.2 of the report be recommended for public consultation.

5. That the Monitoring Officer be authorised to update the Constitution to reflect the recommendations above.


  Published on Wednesday 10 March 2010
The meeting closed at 6.26pm.
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