Meeting documents

Wednesday, 9th September, 2015

 Date: Wednesday 10 June 2015 Time: 5.00pm Place: Shield Room, Civic Centre, West Paddock, Leyland PR25 1DH

 Present: Councillors Mrs M Smith (Leader of Council) (in the chair)

Councillors Bennett (Finance and Resources) (Vice-chairman), M Green (Housing & Healthy Communities), Hughes (Strategic Planning), Mrs Moon (Corporate Support), Mullineaux (Neighbourhoods and Street Scene) and P Smith (Regeneration & Leisure)
 In attendance: Chief Executive (Mike Nuttall) and Senior Democratic Services Officer (Andy Houlker)
 Public attendance: 2
 Other Members and Officers: Councillors Ms Bell, Evans, Miss Hamilton, Forrest, Foster, Mrs Mary Green and Titherington and 7 officers

Item Description/Resolution Status Action
1 Apologies for Absence

None, all members of the Cabinet were present.

2 Declarations of Interest

Councillor Hughes declared a personal interest in item 4 in so far as it related to St Catherine?s Hospice (as a member of the hospice) indicated he would not take part in the voting thereon.

3 Minutes of the Last Meeting
Minutes attached

RESOLVED (unanimously):
That the minutes of the meeting held on 18 March 2015 be approved as a correct record and signed by the chairman.

4 Authorisation of Expenditure for Schemes within the Capital Programme 2015/16
Attached attached

The Cabinet member for Regeneration & Leisure (Councillor P Smith) was pleased to introduce this item. The report sought approval to commit expenditure on forthcoming projects in the council?s capital programme for 2015/16 in Bamber Bridge, Leyland and Lostock Hall. The council also hoped to draw down monies towards these schemes from City Deal through a presentation in July to the City Deal Executive.

Councillor P Smith responded to questions from the audience relating to possible timescales for progress with the Bamber Bridge scheme and commented that the Leyland Masterplan had previously had to be phased and whilst it needed to be refreshed it was hoped through City Deal (Infrastructure Delivery Plan) it could be progressed. It was important at borough level that the council now moved on with schemes for Bamber Bridge and Leyland. Penwortham was also included but would progress at a later stage. In respect of the level of car parking charges, Councillor Bennett (Cabinet member for Finance & Resources) confirmed that these would be looked at as part of the budget process going forward. He added that the council wanted to support local business where it could.

In addition to the above schemes, the report also sought approval for expenditure on a capital scheme at Gregson Lane which Councillor Mullineaux (Cabinet member for Neighbourhoods & Streetscene) presented to the meeting. He highlighted this was a community success indicating the difference streams of funding which included a contribution from the local community/sports group.

RESOLVED (unanimously) that:
1. authority be granted under Section 3.4 of the Financial Regulations to incur capital expenditure of up to:
a) ?60,000 to progress capital works in Bamber Bridge, as detailed in the report
b) ?25,000 to progress capital works in Leyland, as detailed in the report
c) ?325,000 to progress capital works on St.Catherine?s Park, as detailed in the report
d) ?44,000 to progress capital works for Gateways in Leyland, as detailed in the report
(all of the above procurement being conducted in accordance with the provisions of the Council?s Contract Procurement Rules).
2. the Director of Development, Enterprises and Communities, in consultation with the Portfolio Member for Regeneration and Leisure be authorised to finalise details, on the above schemes outlined in this report, going forward.
3. Authority be granted under Section 3.4 of the Financial Regulations to incur capital expenditure up to ?112,705 to progress capital works at Gregson Green, as detailed in the report (the procurement being conducted in accordance with the provisions of the Council?s Contract Procurement Rules).
4. in respect of the Gregson Green Scheme it be agreed to invoke part 44, paragraph 44.1 of the Contract Procedure Rules to allow the waiving of the standard procurement process (including specifically the waiver of para 26.4) in relation to contract award, due to the exceptional circumstances outlined in the report, and to delegate authority to the Director of Neighbourhoods, Environmental Health and Assets, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Neighbourhoods and Streetscene, the acceptance of the most economically advantageous tender.

5 Cuerden Development Site
Reoprt (51K/bytes) attached

Councillor Hughes (Cabinet member for Strategic Planning) presented the report to members which provided an update on the adoption of the Site Allocations Development Plan Document, the new Local Plan, and in particular the recent consultation on the proposed further modification to Policy C4 - Cuerden Strategic Site.

He was very pleased to add that he had just been informed that the Planning Inspector was ready to sign off the council?s Local Plan which could be ratified at the meeting of council on 22 July. Councillor Hughes confirmed that this council was still working with Chorley and Preston councils to finalise a document on gypsies and travellers. Both Chorley and Preston councils had existing sites. The Inspector had been persuaded to sign-off the plan with an interim approval which meant in planning terms the council?s Local Plan would protect the borough and provide a document for everyone to work to. The subsequent document on gypsies and travellers would fit in with the other planning documents.

RESOLVED (unanimously): that council is recommended to note the report.

6 Scrutiny Review of Loneliness and Social Isolation affecting Older People
Scrutiny Review Attached attached
Report (62K/bytes) attached

The Leader reported that following discussion with the Chairman of the Scrutiny Committee it had been agreed to withdraw this item which would be considered at a future meeting.

RESOLVED (unanimously): that the Cabinet?s response to the recommendations of the Scrutiny Review of Loneliness and Social Isolation affecting Older People be withdrawn for consideration at a future meeting.

7 Scrutiny Review of Drainage and Flooding
Report attached
Scrutiny Review attached

Councillor P Smith as the appropriate member of Cabinet welcomed the report and contained largely agreed actions (some with additional comments) as indicated in the presented report. In particular those relating to recommendations 3 and 4. Councillor Titherington appreciated the reasons for the Cabinet responses. In respect of recommendation 3, there were a number of complex issues which had been beyond the capability of the task group to resolve. Concerning recommendation 4, it had been understood that if this council could obtain the chair/lead of the steering group it could increase the priority for issues in South Ribble.

RESOLVED (unanimously):
That Cabinet welcomes the review of Drainage and Flooding completed by the Scrutiny Committee and agreed the responses to the recommendations identified by the review as outlined in the report.

8 Waste Vehicle Procurement
Report attached

Councillor Mullineaux (Cabinet member for Neighbourhoods & Streetscene) presented this item regarding the replacement of six waste vehicles. The report requested approval to commit capital expenditure and accept the most economically advantageous tender for the procurement of the vehicles. The procurement process had taken into consideration the views and vehicle requirements of FCC (the council?s new waste partner with the contract due to commence on 15 June 2015).

Members were pleased to see this investment as it was important to keep up to date with these vehicles and was another example of the council putting funds into frontline services. Similarly the cost of the recommended tender was less than that in the budget and the remaining budget would be used to procure other vehicle and plant during the year.

RESOLVED (unanimously): that council is recommended to
1. approve the revised evaluation criteria as outlined in the report.
2. accept the tender from Company C (Option 1) that scored highest in the tender evaluation exercise for the six waste vehicles as shown in Table 1 of the report.
3. grant authority under Section 3.4 of the Financial Regulations to incur capital expenditure of ?1,049,284 for the purchase of six waste vehicles.

9 Worden Park Improvements to Main Entrance and Car Park
Report (36K/bytes) attached

Councillor Mullineaux (Cabinet member for Neighbourhoods & Streetscene) introduced the report which sought approval to commit capital expenditure and accept the most economically advantageous tender for the proposed improvement works to the main entrance and carpark at Worden Park as part of the council?s improvement of its facilities.

Whilst welcoming the proposed works to the park, some members in the audience were concerned that the council needed to pay attention to and invest monies in the park?s buildings such as the Marsden Theatre. Councillor Bennett as the Cabinet member responsible for the council?s assets commented he had recently visited Marsden Theatre and confirmed this was an area the council needed to address. However, this would require significant capital, firstly the council needed to have a plan for the way forward.

Councillor Mullineaux confirmed to minimise the impact of these works in the park a plan was in place and the work on the carpark and entrance would not be at the same time.

RESOLVED (unanimously): that council is recommended to
1. accept Tender 2 in Table 1 in the report for the construction of the new main entrance and resurfacing of the main car park at Worden Park.
2. grant authority under section 3.4 of the Financial Regulations to incur capital expenditure of up to ?230,000 for the construction of the new main entrance and resurfacing of the main car park at Worden Park.

10 The Cabinet's Forward PLan
Forward Plan attached

RESOLVED (unanimously):
That the Forward Plan submitted under Section 22 of the Local Government Act 2000 be approved.


  Published on Thursday 2 July 2015
The meeting finished at 6.04pm