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Meeting of Shared Services Joint Committee on Monday, 26th January, 2015

Meeting documents

Shared Services Joint Committee
Monday, 26th January, 2015

Place: Cross Room, Civic Centre, West Paddock, Leyland PR25 1DH

 Present: Councillor Hamman (SRBC) in the chair

Councillors Clark (SRBC), Jarnell (CBC), Hamman (SRBC), Leadbetter (CBC) and Mullineaux as substitute for Councillor Robinson (SRBC)
 In attendance: Garry Barclay (Head of Shared Assurance Services), Susan Guinness (Head of Shared Financial Services), Gary Hall (Chief Executive - Chorley Borough Council), Andy Houlker (Senior Democratic Services Officer) and Mike Nuttall (Chief Executive - South Ribble Borough Council)
 Public attendance: 0
 Other Officers: Councillor Forrest

Item Description/Resolution Status Action
17 Apologies for Absence

Apologies for absence were submitted on behalf of Councillors Bradley (CBC) and Robinson (SRBC).

18 Declarations of Interest

There were no declarations of interest.

19 Minutes of the Last Meeting
Minutes attached

There was an enquiry relating to the Forward Plan (min. no.16 refers) and it was agreed that information would be circulated to individual members of the committee.

RESOLVED (unanimously):
that the minutes of the meeting held on 6 October 2014 be approved as a correct record and signed by the chairman.

20 Performance Management Report
Report (258K/bytes) attached

The Heads of Shared Assurance and Financial Services presented the progress made so far against the key service developments and performance indicators in the 2014/15 Business Improvement Plan (BIP) and set out the Partnership?s projected out-turn financial position to the end of this financial year.

In respect of the partnership?s key projects 20 out of 22 had been completed or were on track with plans in place to address the remaining 2. There were also only 2 ?red? performance measures out of the 32 and explanations for each were detailed in the report. Full statements on progress on key projects and performance targets as at the end of December 2014 had been attached as Appendices 1 and 2 to the report. There was a discussion around these.

As reported previously, the partnership continued to work well within its approved budget. It was currently expected to achieve an under-spend by the end of the financial year in the sum of ?52,000, an analysis of variations were shown in the report.

In respect of Shared Assurance Services (SAS) 11 out of 12 key projects were green, completed or on track. The committee?s attention was drawn to the one red project which related to a review of the operation of the host authorities? Governance Committees in respect of revised CIPFA Guidance. This had been carried out and would feed into the Annual Governance Statement Action Plans 2015/16. Whilst delayed it was felt quite timely as it would now feed into the member training after the borough elections in May. Shared Financial Services (SFS) had 8 key projects, one of which was amber (a new e-budgeting module) in the financial management information system with an explanation detailed on page 2 of the report.

Turning to performance targets (page 3 of the report), SFS had 1 ?red? and 1 ?amber? target detailed in the report. In respect of SAS, there was also 1 ?red? and 1 ?amber? target. These were discussed and the explanations given were accepted by the committee.

that the committee noted the progress being made.

21 Business Improvement Plan & Budget 2015/16
Report (2M/bytes) attached

The committee received the Business Improvement Plan & Budget 2015/16 which covered the partnership?s seventh complete financial year of operation. Over this period the partnership had continued to make savings and demonstrable service improvements had been achieved and challenging projects and targets had been set for next year.

The committee?s attention was drawn to the key achievements in 2014/15 for both Shared Financial Services and Shared Assurance Services which were detailed on pages 5/6 of the report. The committee congratulated all staff involved for the continued savings and efficiencies and wondered if there were further opportunities. It was advised that this would be part of the presentation later in the meeting.

RESOLVED (unanimously): that
1. the committee recommends to the Executives of each host authority the adoption of the required resources to deliver the Shared Services Partnership in 2015/16;
2. the Risk Assessment 2015/16 contained in Appendix One of the report be adopted;
3. the ability to incorporate any residual information or amendments to the BIP and Budget be delegated to the Chief Executives of both host authorities in consultation with the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Committee; and
4. the committee formally adopts the 2014/15 Risk Assessment as contained in the approved 2014/15 Business Improvement Plan and set out in Appendix Five of the report for reference.

22 Audited Chorley and South Ribble Joint Committee Annual Return 2013/14
Report attached
Appendix 1 attached

The Head of Shared Financial Services presented the report on the partnership?s audited
Annual return 2013/14. Whilst the external auditor?s opinion was that the return had been in accordance with proper practices, the audit had been more detailed and requested evidence on a few topics outlined in the report. These were discussed and the committee accepted the explanations and/or suggested actions.

In addition, the committee was advised that from 1 April 2015 the partnership would no longer be required to have its accounts separately prepared and externally audited. Although it could choose to continue with a separate voluntary external audit.

RESOLVED (unanimously): that
1. the report be noted;
2. no voluntary external audit of the Joint Committee account is required for the period 2015/16 outside of the Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014; and
3. a light touch internal audit inspection be undertaken to provide the joint committee with assurance in respect of the integrity of the partnership?s year-end financial statement.

23 Forward Plan
Forward Plan attached

The committee considered its forward plan.

RESOLVED (unanimously): that
1. the forward plan be noted; and
2. the committee meeting scheduled to be held on 9 March 2015 be cancelled.

24 Exclusion of Press and Public

The press and public be excluded from the meeting during the consideration of the following item of business as it involves the discussion of information which is defined as exempt from publication under Paragraph 4 (Information relating to any consultations or negotiations, or contemplated consultations or negotiations, in connection with any labour relations matter arising between the authority or a Minister of the Crown and employees of, or office holders under, the authority) of Part I of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 and in which case the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing it.

25 Financial Management Information System Development and Payroll Function

The Head of Shared Financial Services presented the committee with proposals for the Financial Management Information System Development and Payroll Function.

RESOLVED (unanimously):
that the Head of Shared Financial Services be authorised to proceed as outlined to the committee and subsequently report back to the committee.


  Published on Thursday 26 February 2015
The meeting finished at 6.50pm.


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