Meeting documents

Shared Services Joint Committee
Monday, 9th March, 2009

Place: Cross Room, Civic Centre, West Paddock, Leyland PR25 1DH

 Present: Councillor Mr C J Clark (South Ribble BC) (in the Chair)

Councillors Mr A Cain (Chorley BC) and Mr A Cullens (Chorley BC)
 In attendance: Garry Barclay (Synergy ? Head of Shared Assurance Services), Susan Guinness (Synergy ? Head of Shared Financial Services), Gary Hall (Chorley BC), Andy Houlker (South Ribble BC), Paul Morris (Synergy Project Manager) and Mike Nuttall (South Ribble BC)
 Public attendance: None
 Other Officers: None

Item Description/Resolution Status Action
10 Apologies for Absence

An apology for absence was received on behalf of Councillor S Robinson (South Ribble BC).
11 Minutes of the Last Meeting
Minutes attached

In respect of min. no.7(a) a qualification was given in respect of the first sentence in the second paragraph. Although liabilities were included in the signed agreement there had still been an outstanding matter with the insurers. This was now resolved with the same level of insurance cover in place as that prior to the partnership being established with no additional premium.
That with the foregoing explanation, the minutes of the meeting held on 19 January 2009 be signed as a correct record.
12 Business Improvement Plan 2009-10
Covering Report attached
Document attached

The committee received the partnership's Business Improvement Plan (BIP) for 2009/10. This set out how the partnership's services would be taken forward especially for the next year.

The committee would receive regular update reports during the year highlighting the actions taken to deliver the service improvements and performance targets specified in the BIP. This would culminate in a detailed Annual Report at year-end.

Appendix 3 to the report indicated the main service developments which largely stemmed from Appendix 5 (Risk Register).

Some of the key service improvement tasks for 2009/10 included; further development and integration of the partnership Workforce Plan and Communication Strategy, provide a common platform for financial systems, prepare for International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS) and develop for the partnership an Exit Management Plan.

The committee was informed and noted a few typographical errors/corrections in the report.

It was suggested that in future the financial summary of the main budget areas include comparative figures if the councils had not created the partnership.

It was noted that the reported cashable savings for the partnership had been achieved as these figures had been included in the councils' budgets 2009/10. The efficiencies for procurement was a target for 2009/10 and would come through in due course.

The harmonisation of organisational processes and review of procedures would also in turn contribute to additional savings.

In respect of non-cashable savings and Internal Audit, figures would not be available until next year, when there would also be a reduced reliance on external audit services such as from the county council. In future for example, there would only be one audit not two which would then enable more for less.

It was noted that at present there was not a single best practise system process model available for shared services. With this in mind it had been possible for the partnership to obtain free consultancy advice from the financial systems software supplier to develop model processes.

The committee noted the profile of the partnership's workforce as set out in the BIP.

The committee noted that the 2009/10 target for the Use of Resources (UoR) was Level 3 yet both councils' current scores was Level 4. It was explained that the methodology and scoring system for UoR was changing and it was felt unlikely that many local authorities would continue to achieve Level 4.

The partnership had consulted both councils' communications teams on the Communications Plan to ensure there was no duplication. There was to be more publicity of the partnership to raise its profile but at present the priority was internal rather than external publicity.
1. That subject to (2) and (3) below, the draft Business Improvement Plan (BIP) for implementation by the Shared Services Partnership in 2009/10 be noted and approved;
2. That the discussed corrections be noted;
3. That Appendix 3 (Risk Register) be amended to include 'continue to keep councillors informed' under mitigation of lack of understanding/fear of change/impact on staff morale;
4. That the ability to incorporate any residual information or amendments to the BIP be delegated the Corporate Director (Resources) and Assistant Chief Executive (Transformation) in consultation with the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the committee;
5. That in future the BIP's financial information include comparative figures if the councils had not entered the partnership; and
6. That the committee looked forward to receiving the partnership's draft Workforce Plan at its next meeting.
Agreed  Corporate Director (Resources)Head of Shared Assurance Services, Head of Shared Financial Services 
13 Performance Management Report
Report attached

The committee considered a report on the creation of an appropriate format for recording progress against key actions and performance indicators in the Business Improvement Plan (BIP) 2009/10.

This included monitoring service development of key tasks/projects in the BIP which will, using an exception reporting traffic light system, be reported quarterly to the committee. Also performance targets in the BIP will be monitored closely and reported quarterly using a traffic light system. A budget monitoring statement will be presented showing performance to date against the approved budget any variations would be highlighted with proposals to deal with these.

It was noted that whilst the joint committee would receive a quarterly report monitoring would actually be monthly and reported to senior officers at both councils.
1. That the format of the performance management report be approved;
2. That the progress on overall performance to date be noted; and
3. That the committee looked forward to receiving a report on the update of the partnership's performance at the next meeting.
Agreed  Head of Shared Assurance Services, Head of Shared Financial Services 
14 Appointment of External Auditor to the Joint Committee
Covering Report attached
Letter attached

The committee received information that, as Chorley Council had taken on the role of Treasurer to the committee, the Audit Commission proposed to appoint Chorley council's auditor as this committee's auditor. This was Fiona Blatcher initially for the period up to and including 2009/10.

It was noted that due to the committee's annual income and expenditure exceeding ?1m the audit would be in line with the commission's Code of Audit Practice.

The commission had been asked how it proposed to apply the code to the joint committee. As yet a response was outstanding, when received it would be reported to the committee.

Similarly in respect of the commission's code, it was hoped that the partnership would not be audited for its initial three month period.

The committee also noted that as yet it was not known what the commission's fees would be.
1. That the committee notes the contents of the Audit Commission's letter;
2. That the committee confirms that the proposed Audit Commission appointment is acceptable; and
3. That the committee notes that consultations with the Audit Commission are ongoing to clarify the exact nature of their external audit remit together with the audit fee implications.
Agreed  Head of Shared Assurance Services 
15 Forward Plan
Document attached

The committee received a copy of the Forward Plan. It was suggested that the Exit Management Plan be re-scheduled to 14 December 2009 and that the Assurance Strategy be included for consideration on 14 September 2009.
That the committee's Forward Plan as amended be noted.
Agreed  Senior Democratic Services Officer

16 Dates for Future Meetings

Further to min. no.9, The committee discussed the dates of future meetings.

It was suggested that 8 June 2009 remain the date for the committee's annual meeting. However the future meeting dates of 14 September 2009 and 14 December 2009 become provisional subject to their alignment with financial reporting timescales.

For example local authorities were required to submit their pre-audited accounts by the end of June and the audited statement of accounts by the end of September.
1. That the committee's Annual Meeting be on Monday 8 June 2009; and
2. That meetings currently scheduled to be held on 14 September 2009 and 14 December 2009 become provisional subject to their alignment with financial reporting timescales.
Agreed  Corporate Director (Resources)Head of Shared Assurance Services, Head of Shared Financial Services, Senior Democratic Services Officer

17 Exclusion of Press and Public

That the press and public be excluded from the meeting during the consideration of the following item of business as it involves the discussion of information which was defined as exempt from publication under paragraphs 1, 2 and 4 respectively of Part I of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972.
18 Proposed Changes to the Shared Assurance Services Structure
Report attached

The committee was presented with a report that sought approval of specific proposals to resource the Internal Audit function in 2009/10 and beyond.

The original structure and number of posts required for Internal Audit was created following a comparative exercise with other councils to establish an appropriate level of resource for the new partnership.

Due to a number of employees working part time some vacancies currently existed in Internal Audit.

It had previously been agreed that no decision would be taken in respect of filling these vacancies until the audit planning process for 2009/10 had been completed involving a detailed risk analysis and consultation exercise to determine actual Internal Audit resource requirements.

That exercise had been completed and resulted in a demand for Internal Audit Services well in excess of the resources available, even if the vacancies were filled immediately.

The draft audit plans for both authorities have been agreed with both senior management teams and were now subject to approval by their respective Audit/Policy & Service Review Scrutiny Committees.

Therefore to fulfil the demand within the draft audit plans being put forward for approval it was recommended that the funds currently available through vacancies should be utilised. This to include a short term arrangement to use Lancashire County Council's Audit Services primarily for the supply of specialist/computer audit and also to alleviate short-term resourcing difficulties.
1. That the proposal to amend the Shared Assurance Services structure in the manner suggested, subject to concluding consultations with the trades unions and staff affected be approved; and
2. That the Head of Shared Assurance in consultation with the Chairman and Vice-chairman of the committee be given delegated authority to implement the proposals.
Agreed  Head of Shared Assurance Services 

  Published on Tuesday 31 March 2009
(The meeting finished at 4.29pm)