Meeting documents

Governance Committee
Monday, 4th March, 2013

Place: or at close of the Constitution Task Group whichever is the later. Cross Room.

 Present: Councillors O'Hare (in the chair), W Bennett, Foster, Michael Green and Patten
 In attendance: Darren Cranshaw (Scrutiny and Performance Officer), Carol Eddleston (Democratic Services Officer), Martin O'Loughlin (Democratic Services Manager), David Whelan (Legal Services Manager) and Maureen Wood (Director of Corporate Governance)
 Public attendance: 0
 Other Officers: 0

Item Description/Resolution Status Action
39 Apologies for Absence

An apology for absence was submitted on behalf of Councillor Mrs Mort.

40 Declarations of Interest

There were no declarations of interest.

41 Minutes of the Last Meeting
Minutes attached

RESOLVED (unanimously) that:

1) the minutes of the meeting held on 30 January 2013 be approved as a correct record and signed by the chairman, and

2) updates on any matters arising from the meeting on 30 January 2013?be reported at the next meeting.

42 Review of the Constitution

The chairman presented the report which had been prepared on the basis of the proposed amendments to the Constitution discussed by the Task Group earlier in the evening. The Task Group had been satisfied that comments raised in the course of the current review had been addressed in the proposed amendments.

The group recognised that the Executive Arrangements provisions were essentially taken from legislation and were therefore fairly lengthy and complex, and invited the Democratic Services Manager to try to simplify and streamline the text where possible.

RESOLVED (unanimously) that:
1) The provisions relating to Executive Arrangements be simplified and streamlined where possible;
2) The proposed changes to the Constitution identified in section 3 of the report, together with the outcome from the work requested in recommendation 1) above, be agreed for recommendation to Cabinet;
3) Cabinet be requested to recommend that Council adopt the proposed changes to the Constitution with effect from the first Council meeting of the new municipal year in 2013;
4) the Monitoring Officer, in consultation with the chairman of the Governance Committee, be authorised to update the Constitution to reflect the outcomes from Recommendations 3 above.

43 Date of Next Meeting

The committee agreed to a request from the chairman to move the next meeting from 23 April 2013 to 29 April 2013. The External Auditors and the Head of Shared Assurance Services had confirmed that they would be able to attend and present their reports on the new date.



That the next meeting be held at 6.00pm on Monday 29 April 2013 in the Cross Room.


  Published on Thursday 14 March 2013
The meeting finished at 5.50pm.