Meeting documents

Governance Committee
Monday, 12th March, 2012

Place: or at the rise of the Constitution Task Group whichever is the later, Cross Room

 Present: Councillor O'Hare (in the chair)

Councillors W Bennett, Foster and Michael Green
 In attendance: Director of Corporate Governance (Maureen Wood), Head of Shared Financial Services (Susan Guinness), Legal Services Manager (David Whelan) and Democratic Services Officer (Carol Eddleston)
 Public attendance: 0
 Other Officers: 0

Item Description/Resolution Status Action
47 Apologies for Absence

Apologies for absence were submitted on behalf of Councillors Mrs Mort and Patten.
48 Declarations of Interest

There were no declarations of interest.
49 Minutes of the Last Meeting
Minutes attached

The Head of Shared Financial Services provided an update on a number of matters arising from the meetings held on 1 December 2011 and 1 February 2012.

Min no 30 (1 December 2011):

a) Autumn Statement - pensions implications on SRBC

The Head of Shared Financial Services had looked into this but had found that reference in the statement to pay award had probably related to central government employees rather than to local government whose pay awards were negotiated locally.

She referred the committee to the assumptions contained within the budget setting report of the Council which set out that it had been assumed that there would be no pay increases awarded in 2012/13.

b) Desktop replacement ? decision maker and rationale

The Head of Shared Financial Services explained that a review of the council?s personal computers had taken place when the five year contract was coming to an end. The contract approved contained a provision enabling the Council to purchase the computers if it wished to do so at its conclusion at the end of the five year term. Purchasing the computers and investing in updating the software for a three years period was enabling the Council to achieve significant budgetary savings in the sum of circa ?160,000 over a three year period with no loss of performance, capability or compatibility.

Councillor Foster expressed concern that any short term gain might be to the detriment of the council in the longer term. He stressed that he was not questioning the council?s financial management but would like the Scrutiny Committee to look at the IT replacement strategy. The Head of Shared Financial Services, when asked, stated that as a user she considered the equipment was fit for purpose. The desktop computers were also supported by a cutting edge virtualised infrastructure and robust Disaster Recovery arrangements.

Members noted Councillor Foster?s concern but the chairman suggested that the committee might consider in the future whether it would be appropriate to ask for the strategy to be re-examined. Councillor W Bennett suggested that any such review might be best undertaken by a joint Governance and Scrutiny Committee Task and Finish Group.

c) Cycle routes ? External funding

The Head of Shared Financial Services confirmed that this had been removed from the Capital Programme due to a lack of external funding.

Min no 41 (1 February 2012):

2) VAT rebate

The Head of Shared Financial Services reported that she was waiting for some outstanding information on this and would provide an update at the next meeting in April.

3) Sovereign ratings for financial institutions ? Glossary of terms

The Head of Shared Financial Services explained that the council?s Treasury Strategy that had been queried contained Moody?s sovereign rating. She had brought a hard copy to the meeting but for members? convenience would circulate a hyperlink by email to the relevant document on Moody?s website. The Head of Shared Financial Services also offered to Members examples of Fitch and Standard and Poors?s information and would also circulate the hyperlink to the relevant site for further information the definition together with a copy of Sectors worked example of their Credit Policy.

Min no 42 (1 February 2012):

Car park income

The Head of Shared Services explained that close examination of the ?5,000 projected shortfall in the Quarter 3 Budget Monitoring Statement had shown that car parking income in November had been higher than anticipated and had essentially offset the reduction of cash income received in December.

RESOLVED (unanimously):

That the minutes of the meeting held on 1 February 2012 be approved as a correct record and signed by the chairman.

50 Review of the Constitution
Report attached
App 1 attached
App 2(a) attached
App 2(b) attached

The chairman presented the report which the Constitution Task Group had considered earlier in the evening and noted that officers had taken into account member comments and requests made at task group meetings in January and February 2012. He outlined the following minor amendments to the appendices which the task group wished to recommend to the full committee:

Appendix 1, Financial Regulations:

Page 10 ? Clause 6.7 clarified and simplified to read ?All property title deeds and any associated documentation shall be held in the custody of the council?s Monitoring Officer?.

Page 15 - Clause 15.2 clarified to read ?Where an officer?s employment with the council is terminated or a member?s term of office ends, ????.?

Appendix 2(a), Guidance on Member Involvement in Planning Applications

Page 1 ? Clauses 4 and 5 amended to make it clear that the members referred to in these clauses are specifically members of the Planning Committee.

Page 1 ? Clause 7 ?attending the Committee meeting? amended to ?taking their seat at a Committee meeting?.

Page 2 ? Header of clauses 8 to 11 expanded and clarified to read ?Planning Applications and Development Proposals submitted by Members and South Ribble Borough Council?.

Page 2 ? Clause 8 ?should not? amended to ?shall not?.

Page 2 ? Clause 11 deleted as a result of the amendment to clause 8 above.

Page 3 ? Clause 21 ?determine? amended to ?determined? and ?notified? expanded to ?notified by email or letter?.

Page 5 onwards ? sequence of numbering of clauses corrected.

Page 5 ? Clause 29, (new clause 30), ?a firm recommendation? expanded to ?a firm recommendation to be approved?.

Page 6 ? First title ? superfluous ?of? deleted.

Page 7 ? Clause 46, (new clause 50), punctuation improved and corrected to read ?Planning Committee Members, and ??. to support the Officer?s case??

Appendix 2(b) Committee Functions and Scheme of Delegation to Officers

Page 1 - 3D Clause 2 ? ?restaurants? deleted

Page 1 - 3D Clause 3 ? ?or partner? expanded to read ?or a close relative of the applicant is a member or employee of South Ribble Borough Council (Close relative is defined as a spouse, partner, parent, parent-in-law, son, or daughter).

RESOLVED (unanimously):
Financial Regulations:
(a) that Cabinet be advised to recommend that Council approve the increase in the capital expenditure threshold requiring approval by the Cabinet from ?50,000 to ?75,000 in line with the existing Key Decision and Standing Order Tender Thresholds;

(b) that the proposed changes to the Constitution identified in section 3(i) of this report, as amended, be agreed for recommendation to Cabinet;

(c) that Cabinet be advised to recommend that Council adopt the proposed changes to the Constitution with effect from the first Council meeting of the new municipal year in 2012;

(d) that the Monitoring Officer be authorised to update the Constitution to reflect the outcomes of (c) above, in consultation with the chairman of the Governance Committee.

Guidance on Member Involvement in Planning Procedures

(e) that the proposed changes to the Constitution identified in section 3(ii) of this report, as amended, be agreed for recommendation to Cabinet;

(f) that Cabinet be advised to recommend that Council adopt the proposed changes to the Constitution with effect from the first Council meeting of the new municipal year in 2012; and

(g) that the Monitoring Officer be authorised to update the Constitution to reflect the outcomes of recommendation (f) above, in consultation with the chairman of the Governance Committee.


  Published on Friday 16 March 2012
The meeting closed at 7.18pm.