Meeting documents

Wednesday, 6th April, 2016

Place: Shield Room, Civic Centre, West Paddock, Leyland PR25 1DH

 Present: Councillors Mrs M Smith (Leader of Council) (in the chair)

Councillors Bennett (Finance and Resources) (Vice-chairman), M Green (Housing & Healthy Communities), Hughes (Strategic Planning), Mrs Moon (Corporate Support), Mullineaux (Neighbourhoods and Street Scene) and P Smith (Regeneration & Leisure)
 In attendance: Chief Executive (Mike Nuttall) and Senior Democratic Services Officer (Andy Houlker)
 Public attendance: 0
 Other Members and Officers: Councillors Bell, Mrs Blow, Evans, Forrest, Foster, Mrs Green, Hamilton, Hesketh, Mrs S Jones, Titherington, G Walton and Wharton and 4 officers

Item Description/Resolution Status Action
49 Apologies for Absence

There were no apologies, all members of the Cabinet were present.

50 Declarations of Interest

Councillor Michael Green declared a personal interest in Item 6 (Garden and Food Waste Collections) as an elected member of Lancashire County Council and was able under the Code of Conduct for Elected Members to take part in the discussion and voting thereon.

51 Minutes of the Last Meeting
Minutes attached

RESOLVED (unanimously):
That the minutes of the meeting held on 10 February 2016 be approved as a correct record.

52 Authorisation of Expenditure for Capital Projects and Schemes
Report attached

Councillor Mullineaux (Cabinet member for Neighbourhoods and Street Scene) presented this report which sought approval for a number of schemes identified in the council?s budget 2016/17. In doing so he indicated that following publication of the report, the programme of works had been delayed. There was now no longer a need for delegated authority and Councillor Mullineaux proposed that recommendation 2 in the report be replaced. He suggested a recommendation that the tenders for the works outlined in the report be considered either by a special meeting of the Cabinet or at a meeting of the Council.

RESOLVED (unanimously): that
1. authority be granted under Section 3.4 of the Financial Regulations to incur capital expenditure of ?610,000 to carry out a programme of capital works for Parks and Open Spaces as detailed in the report (the procurement for each scheme shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions of the Council?s Contract Procedure Rules); and
2. a report on the acceptance of the most economically advantageous tenders for the works outlined in this report be submitted to either a special meeting of the Cabinet or to a meeting of the Council.

53 Drainage of Gregson Green Playing Field
Report attached

Councillor Mullineaux (Cabinet member for Neighbourhoods and Street Scene) was pleased to submit this report to the Cabinet which sought approval to accept the most economically advantageous tender for proposed drainage improvement works to the football pitch and cricket ground at Gregson Green Playing Field.
The scheme was applauded by the Cabinet, which had grown into a major project and showed what could be achieved by the community working together and with such as Sports England.

RESOLVED (unanimously): that Tender Number 1 in Table 1 be accepted for the installation of drainage at Gregson Green Playing Field.

54 Garden and Food Waste Collections
Report attached

Councillor Mullineaux (Cabinet member for Neighbourhoods and Street Scene) reported options available to this council following the county council?s recent decision to ask district councils to stop co-mingled (mixed) garden and food waste collections. Also relevant was the county council?s decision to mothball some facilities at the Farington Waste Recovery Park and that part of this site be operated as a transfer station.

The Cabinet member commented that whilst not wanting to recommend this proposal to stop separate collections of food waste and co-mingling garden and food waste as this was a backward step because residents were so used to recycling. However, circumstances dictated that this council went along with it. If not and it continued to co-mingle this waste this would cost this council up to ?500,000 in county council disposal charges which was clearly not sustainable.

There then ensued a wider discussion on the operation of the Farington site, Lancashire County Council and impact on local residents.


It was confirmed that this council would lead on publicity/information explaining to residents of the borough the changes to the waste collections service.


RESOLVED (unanimously): that
1. with effect from 1 June 2016 the Council ceases to collect co-mingled garden and food waste in line with the request from Lancashire County Council as the Waste Disposal Authority; and
2. with effect from 1 June 2016 the Council ceases to collect separate food waste from those properties receiving this service.

55 Vehicle Procurement
Report attached

Councillor Mullineaux (Cabinet member for Neighbourhoods and Street Scene) informed the Cabinet that the council?s approved capital programme included the replacement of nine vans. He added that the usual vehicle replacement period was around seven years and some of the vehicles to be replaced where over eleven years old and if kept longer were likely to be a cost to the council.


RESOLVED (unanimously): that
1. the tender from company A in Table 1 be accepted;
2. the tender from company A in Table 2 be accepted; and
3. authority be granted under Section 3.4 of the Financial Regulations to incur capital expenditure of ?129,291 for the purchase of the nine vehicles.

56 Procurement of Fuel Contract
Report attached

Councillor Mullineaux (Cabinet member for Neighbourhoods and Street Scene) sought approval to award a contract for the supply of fuel for the council?s vehicles, plant and equipment including to FCC, the council?s waste partner. Storage of the fuel would be at the Moss Side Depot which had both operational benefits and would help in the event of a fuel crisis. In respect of FCC, the council had negotiated a 5% administrative charge.


He added that whilst the procurement was normally through the CHEST, on this occasion the council had used a Framework Agreement available through the Yorkshire Purchasing Organisation which was very experienced in fuel procurement and was more in line with EU Regulations. The contract would be reviewed in two years.

RESOLVED (unanimously): that
1. the evaluation criteria set out in the report be approved; and
2. the tender from Company C in Table 1 be accepted.

57 CIL Payment in Kind, Provision of Infrastructure
Report attached

Councillor Hughes (Strategic Planning) reminded the Cabinet that the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) was introduced some time ago and normally applied to all development in the charging schedule. Although there were exceptions to this when instead a developer was required to provide a specific item of infrastructure as part of their scheme. The council?s policy was only used in exceptional circumstances where there was a clear additional burden on the developer.


Councillor Hughes explained that in respect of planning permission 07/2013/0008/ORM, the council had calculated the CIL to be in the sum of ?1.9m. However, to facilitate the remaining part of The Cawsey (including bridge) to complete the cross borough link road it was recommended that the council enter a legal agreement for the provision of such infrastructure in lieu of the CIL payment. It was confirmed that the cost of providing this infrastructure was more than the CIL payment, if it had been less the council would have required the payment.


Whilst Cabinet was in support of this approach, it was stressed that the infrastructure now needed to be delivered to enable the release of local development sites. It was understood that the bridge had been designed and approved by the county council and some initial ground works had started. The council would continue at every opportunity to move this forward.


RESOLVED (unanimously): that the council is recommended to approve:
1. the principle for the signing of a legal agreement for the provision of infrastructure in lieu of payment of Community Infrastructure Levy in relation to Planning Permission 07/2013/0008/ORM and;
2. the final detail and approval of the legal agreement be delegated to the Planning Manager in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Strategic Planning.

58 The Cabinet's Forward Plan
Forward Plan (41K/bytes) attached

RESOLVED (unanimously): that the Forward Plan submitted under Section 22 of the Local Government Act 2000 be approved.

59 Exclusion of Press and Public

RESOLVED (unanimously):
That the press and public be excluded from the meeting during the consideration of the following item of business as it involved the discussion of information defined as exempt from publication under paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972, ?Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information) ? and, in which the public interest in maintaining the exemption, outweighed the public interest in disclosing it.

60 Parks Refreshments and Ice Cream Tender
Report attached

Councillor Bennett (Finance and Resources) reported on the provision to the public of ice cream and refreshments in the council?s parks. In particular he was pleased to recommend the acceptance of the highest scoring tender for the kiosk and two ice cream pitches at Worden Park, Leyland.


Whilst the Cabinet member confirmed that no other contracts were proposed to be awarded at this time, he indicated that in the future further sites in the borough could be explored.


RESOLVED (unanimously): that the council is recommended to approve the Worden Park Refreshments and Ice Cream contract be awarded to Tender Number 1 as detailed in the report.


  Published on Friday 29 April 2016
The meeting finished at 5.58pm