Meeting documents

Wednesday, 13th June, 2012

Place: Shield Room, Civic Centre, West Paddock, Leyland PR25 1DH

 Present: Councillor Mrs M R Smith (Leader of the Council) (in the Chair)

Councillors Mr P Mullineaux (Deputy Leader and Neighbourhoods & Street Scene), Councillor P Hamman (Shared Services & Corporate Support), Mr C Hughes (Strategic Planning & Housing), Mr S M Robinson (Finance & Resources) and Mr P J Smith (Regeneration, Leisure & Healthy Communities)
 In attendance: Director of Planning & Housing (John Dalton) and Senior Democratic Services Officer (Andy Houlker)
 Public attendance: 4 and 1 member of the press
 Other Members and Officers: Councillors Ms Bell, W Bennett, Clark, Foster, Mrs D Gardner, M Gardner, Mrs Mary Green, Michael Green, Hanson, Harrison, Hesketh, Heyworth, Mrs Hothersall, McNulty, Marsh, Martin, Mrs M Robinson, M Tomlinson, Watts and Yates and six officers

Item Description/Resolution Status Action
1 Apologies for Absence

No apologies were submitted.
2 Declarations of Interest

There were no declarations of interest.
3 Minutes of the Last Meeting
Minutes attached

That the minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 21 March 2012 be signed as a correct record.
4 Local Development Framework - Site Allocations Publication
Report attached
Document attached

Councillor Hughes (Cabinet member for Strategic Planning & Housing) introduced the report. This set out the summary of responses received to the earlier consultation, detailed the proposed way forward including some minor changes and amendments and sought endorsement of the publication version of the document for consultation, commencing in July 2012.

Councillor Hughes was pleased to add that the council had just received notification from the Planning Inspectorate that the Central Lancashire Core Strategy had been found sound. A report on its adoption would be presented to the next meeting of the council on 18 July 2012.

In response to an enquiry, the Cabinet member was confident that whilst Emnie Lane had been removed from the employment site allocation (to safeguarded land) there was still sufficient general employment land in the plan.

The Cabinet member confirmed that a development brief for the Moss Side Test Track had already been approved but there was a requirement for a master plan to be prepared to ensure the comprehensive development of the site. At the moment no potential use of this site had been ruled out (including leisure).

Regarding the Cuerden Strategic Site whilst the document indicated that the county council and this council proposed to have an integrated and comprehensive development of the site, it was pointed out that a third of the site was actually in private ownership. Councillor Hughes commented that this council saw the development of this site as crucial for the north west and, was aware a large proportion was in private ownership. However, the council required a master plan to be produced for the whole site (not part) and this council had been assured the county council was working on this. The Director of Planning and Housing added that the policy (C4) stated a master plan would need to be produced. It was indicated that interested parties would be consulted on a draft possibly towards the end of the year.

RESOLVED (Unanimous):
1. That the responses received to the preferred options consultation as summarised in this report be noted;
2. That the proposed amendments to the Site Allocations Development Plan Document, as set out within this report be approved;
3. That the publication version of the Site Allocations Development Plan Document for further consultation, Appendix 1 to the report be endorsed; and
4. That the Director of Planning and Housing in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Strategic Planning and Housing be given delegated authority to make minor text, layout and formatting amendments to the draft Publication Site Allocations Development Plan Document.
5 Member Development Strategy
Report attached
Appendix attached

The Leader (Councillor Mrs M Smith) presented the plan, highlighting that member development was integral to ensure councillors were able to effectively fulfil their role. Following the borough elections in May 2011 an induction programme was provided to both new and re-elected members which was the first stage of their development over the next four year term. The Member Development Plan identified priority objectives for the next three years and key actions to be addressed annually. One aspect of this was the Member Learning Hour sessions which were very useful, forthcoming topics included the new standards regime and planning for non-planners.

The Cabinet was conscious of the amount of time and effort that went into those sessions for the benefit of councillors and encouraged all members to try and attend. If there was a particular topic a member wanted to know more about a session could be provided, such as that on partnerships.

In response to a comment regarding the 80% training attendance target, the Leader explained that some training was mandatory such for members on the Licensing or Planning Committees. She felt attendance tables were unnecessary, majority of councillors attended training which was largely optional and whilst encouraged, some sessions were not always convenient.

RESOLVED (Unanimous):
That the Member Development Plan 2012-15 be received and commended to the Council for adoption and implementation.
6 Scrutiny Review of External Communications
Report attached
Report attached

Councillor Mrs M Smith introduced this item and thanked those council members that had served on the scrutiny task group who had done some very good work and ideas useful to the council. The report showed the task group?s 27 recommendations and indicated whether they were to be taken forward and if not there was an explanation. Also it was proposed that the previous scrutiny review ?Leading from the Frontline? would be included in to this.

The Leader responding to a member of the public?s concerns regarding the council?s website, ancillary websites and their use to make efficiency savings, indicated that in the next 12 months the council should have a completely new website. It was hoped this would alleviate the issues and be at no cost to the council.

RESOLVED (Unanimous):
That the recommendations be progressed as indicated in the report.
7 Wesley Street Mill Site
Report attached
Development Brief (213K/bytes) attached
Pre-Qualification Questionnaire (401K/bytes) attached

Councillor Hughes (Cabinet member for Strategic Planning & Housing) presented this report which provided an update on progress made and sought authority to proceed with the procurement of a developer partner and to continue negotiations with the landowners concerned. He added the council strove to resolve eyesores in the borough which included this one in Bamber Bridge.

Local Bamber Bridge members in the audience supported the council?s actions and requested to be kept updated. It was confirmed they would be kept informed as much as possible.

RESOLVED (Unanimous):
That the Cabinet:
1. notes the progress made as outlined in this report;
2. gives authority to proceed with the procurement of a developer partner through the Official Journal of the European Union process using the competitive dialogue contract award process;
3. endorses the draft Pre-Qualification Questionnaire, the evaluation criteria and the draft Development Brief (Appendices 1 and 2 to the report);
4. delegates to the Director of Planning and Housing in consultation with the Cabinet member for Strategic Planning & Housing, authority to make further minor text and layout changes if required before the procurement commences; and
5. notes that following the completion of the procurement process, a further report will be presented to Cabinet to agree the selection of the developer partner.
8 The Cabinet's Forward Plan
Forward Plan attached

Councillor Mullineaux (Cabinet member for Neighbourhoods & Street Scene) informed the meeting that a report on vehicle procurement (six waste vehicles valued at approximately ?750,000) would be presented directly to the next meeting of the council on 18 July 2012. He explained that this was necessary as the next meeting of the Cabinet was in September and would have unduly delayed the procurement project, and still be subject to confirmation by the council.

RESOLVED (Unanimous):
That the Forward Plan submitted under section 22 of the Local Government Act 2000, as amended, be approved.

  Published on Friday 22 June 2012
The meeting finished at 6.40pm