Meeting documents

Planning Committee
Wednesday, 27th July, 2016

Place: Shield Room, Civic Centre, West Paddock, Leyland, PR25 1DH

 Present: Councillor Hesketh (Chairman)

Councillors D Bird, M Donoghue, W Evans, D B Forrest, Mrs M Green, K Jones, Ms L Mawson, Mrs Mort, M Nathan, J G Walton and Yates
 In attendance: David Whelan (Legal Services Manager), Jonathan Noad (Planning Manager), Mike Atherton (Assistant Planning Manager), Catherine Lewis (Senior Planning Officer), James Wallwork (Democratic Services Officer), Janice Crook (Planning Officer) and Debbie Roberts (Planning Officer)
 Public attendance: 89 members of the public were present
 Other Officers: 3 other officers were present

Councillors Ms Bell, Clark, Michael Green, Mullineaux, P Smith and Wharton were also present.

Item Description/Resolution Status Action
20 Welcome and Introductions

The Chairman, Councillor Hesketh, welcomed members of the public to the meeting and introduced the committee and explained the proceedings and the role of its members.

21 Apologies for Absence

Apologies for absence were submitted on behalf of Councillors Marsh and Mrs Noblet.

22 Declarations of Interest

Councillor Donoghue declared personal interests in planning applications 07/2016/0186/REM and 07/2016/0344/FUL.

Councillor K Jones declared a personal interest in planning application 07/2016/0186/REM.

23 Minutes of the Last Meeting
Minutes attached

That the minutes of the meeting held on 15 June 2016 be approved as a correct record and signed by the chairman.

24 Appeal Decisions

There were no appeal decisions to report.

25 Planning Application 07/2016/0186/REM - Land To The West Of Grasmere Avenue, Farington

Report attached
Update (13K/bytes) attached

(Councillors Donoghue and K Jones declared personal interests in the following planning application as they lived close to the site but were able under the Code of Conduct for Elected Members, to remain in the meeting and take part in the consideration of the application.)

Address: Land To The West Of Grasmere Avenue, Farington

Applicant: Sterling Property Co Ltd

Agent: Mrs Jane Martin, 1 Sandlebridge Farm, Mill Lane, Alderley Edge, Cheshire, SK9 7TD

Development: Reserved Matters application for the erection of 160 dwellings with associated landscaping, public open space, cycle and footpath links, accessed off Grasmere Avenue

RESOLVED (10 Yes, 1 No, 1 Abstention): Approved with conditions.


1. The development hereby approved shall be begun either before the expiration of 3 years from the date of the outline permission, or before the expiration of 2 years from the date of the permission herein.
REASON: To comply with the requirements of Section 92 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990

2. The development, hereby permitted, shall be carried out in accordance with the approved plans Dwg BP/PL-301 Rev D Planning Layout: BP/PL-302 Rev A Site Layout Wider Context: BP/PL-303 Rev B Affordable Housing Provision: BP/PL-304 Street Scene: GAF/HTT1-101 Housetype T1: GAF/HTT2-102 Housetype T2: GAF/HTT3-103 Housetype T3: GAF/HTT4-104-A Housetype T4: GAF/HTT5-105 Housetype T5: GAF/HTT6-106 Housetype T6: GAF/HTT7-107 Housetype T7: GAF/HTT8-108 Housetype T8: GAF/HTT9-109 Housetype T9: GAF/HTT9a-109a Housetype T9a: GAF/HTT10-1010 Housetype T10: GAF/HTT111-111 Housetype T111: GAF/HTT112-112 Housetype T112: GAF/HTT113-113 Housetype T113: 5157.01 Rev A Landscape Proposal: 5157.02 Rev A Landscape Proposal: 5157.03 Rev A Landscape Proposal: 5157.04 Rev A Landscape Proposal or any subsequent amendments to those plans that have been agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.
REASON: For the avoidance of doubt and to ensure a satisfactory standard of development

3. No work shall be commenced until satisfactory details of the colour and texture of the facing and roofing materials to be used have been submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority.
REASON: To ensure the satisfactory detailed appearance of the development in accordance with Policy 17 in the Central Lancashire Core Strategy and Policy G17 in the South Ribble Local Plan 2012-2026

4. The new estate road for the development shall be constructed in accordance with the Lancashire County Council Specification for Construction of Estate Roads to at least base course level up to the entrance of the site compound before any development takes place within the site and shall be further extend before any development commences fronting the new access road.
REASON: To ensure that satisfactory access is provided to the site before the development hereby permitted becomes operative as required Policy G17 in the South Ribble Local Plan 2012-2026

5. No development shall take place, including any works of demolition, until a Construction Management Plan has been submitted to, and approved in writing by, the Local Planning Authority. The approved Plan shall be adhered to throughout the construction period. The Plan shall provide for:
I. the parking of vehicles of site operatives and visitors
II. loading and unloading of plant and materials
III. storage of plant and materials used in constructing the development
IV. the location of the site compound
V. appropriate measures to control the emission of dust and dirt during construction
VI. a scheme for recycling/disposing of waste resulting from demolition and construction works
REASON: To safeguard the amenities of neighbouring properties in accordance Policy 17 in the Central Lancashire Core Strategy and Policy G17 in the South Ribble Local Plan 2012-2026

6. The development hereby approved shall not be brought into use until details of facilities for the storage of refuse and waste materials have been submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority and completed entirely in accordance with the approved scheme. The approved facility shall be retained thereafter unless otherwise agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority.
REASON: To safeguard the character and visual appearance of the area and to safeguard the living conditions of any nearby residents particularly with regard to odours and/or disturbance in accordance with Policy 27 in the Central Lancashire Core Strategy and Policy G17 in the South Ribble Local Plan 2012-2026

7. Prior to first occupation of the dwellings hereby approved, one Electric Vehicle Recharge point shall be provided to all dwellings with one or more off-street parking space/garage space integral to the curtilage of the property.
REASON: To enable and encourage the use of alternative fuel use for transport purposes in accordance with Policy 3 of the Central Lancashire Core Strategy

8. The drainage for the development hereby approved, shall be carried out in accordance with principles set out in the submitted Foul and Surface Water Drainage Strategy Dated 23rd February 2016 which was prepared by Clancy Consulting. For the avoidance of doubt and unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority, surface water must drain to watercourse at existing greenfield runoff rates. No surface water will be permitted to drain directly or indirectly into the public sewer. The development shall be completed in accordance with the approved details.
REASON: To ensure a satisfactory form of development and to prevent an undue increase in surface water run-off and to reduce the risk of flooding in accordance with Policy 29 in the Central Lancashire Core Strategy

9. Prior to the commencement of the development a sustainable drainage management and maintenance plan for the lifetime of the development shall be submitted to the Local Planning authority and agreed in writing. The sustainable drainage management and maintenance plan shall include as a minimum:
a) The arrangements for adoption by an appropriate public body or statutory undertaker, or, management and maintenance by a Resident's Management Company; and
b) Arrangements concerning appropriate funding mechanisms for its ongoing maintenance of all elements of the sustainable drainage system (including mechanical components) and will include elements such as ongoing inspections relating to performance and asset condition assessments, operation costs, regular maintenance, remedial woks and irregular maintenance caused by less sustainable limited life assets or any other arrangements to secure the operation of the surface water drainage scheme throughout its lifetime.
REASON: To improve water management and reduce the risk of flooding in accordance with Policy 29 in the Central Lancashire Core Strategy

10. The development hereby approved shall be carried out in accordance with the recommendations made in the Arboricultural Statement Ref: CW/6382-AS2 dated 25 February 2016. Before any site activity (construction or demolition) is commenced in association with the development, the barrier fencing shall be erected around all trees to be retained on the site as detailed in the Tree Protection Plan Ref: CW/6382-P-TP-1. The fencing shall be constructed and located in compliance with BS 5837 2012 - Trees in Relation to Design, Demolition and Construction - Recommendations. Within these fenced areas no development, vehicle manoeuvring, storage of materials or plant, removal or addition of soil may take place. This includes ground disturbance for utilities. The fencing shall not be moved in part or wholly without the written agreement of the Local Planning Authority. The fencing shall remain in place until completion of all development works and removal of site vehicles, machinery, and materials in connection with the development.
REASON: To prevent damage to trees during construction works in accordance with Policy G13 in the South Ribble Local Plan 2012-2026

11. Prior to commencement of the development hereby approved, a scheme for the monitoring of air quality be submitted to the Local Planning Authority for approval in writing. The scheme shall include details of air quality monitoring for a 2 year period following 80% occupancy of the development; the location and timing of the monitoring; and the provisions for reporting the results of the air quality monitor to the Local Planning Authority.
REASON: In the interests of the amenity of the nearby residents in accordance with Policy 17 of the Central Lancashire Core Strategy.

12. The development shall not begin until a scheme detailing the boundary treatments of the site has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The occupation of buildings or the commencement of the use shall not occur until the fencing/walling has been erected in accordance with the approved details. Any fencing/walling erected pursuant to this condition shall be retained at all times thereafter.
REASON: To ensure the provision and retention of adequate screening in the interest of amenity in accordance with Policy 17 of the Central Lancashire Core Strategy and Policy G17 in the South Ribble Local Plan 2012-2026

13. The roadway to the north of the site / west of proposed public open space, identified as 'access provision to adjoining land' on approved plans BP/PL-301 Rev D, 302 Rev A and 303 Rev B shall be restricted to use as part of the development hereby approved. At no time shall the roadway be used to access lands beyond the approved boundary of the site unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.
REASON: To allow the Local Planning Authority to retain control over the impact of adjacent development and/or land uses on residential amenity and/or highway safety in accordance with Policy G17 in the South Ribble Local Plan 2012-2026

The meeting was adjourned at 7.34pm to enable members of the public to leave the meeting and reconvened at 7.37pm.

26 Planning Application 07/2016/0284/FUL - Holmfirth, 43 Brindle Road, Bamber Bridge

Report attached

Address: Holmfirth, 43 Brindle Road, Bamber Bridge, PR5 6RP

Applicant: Mr & Mrs Phil and Rachel Tomlinson

Agent: Chris Weetman, 1 Reeveswood, Eccleston, Chorley, PR7 5RS

Development: Substitution of house type for plot 5 of planning permission 07/2015/1692/FUL

The application?be deferred to enable the applicants to discuss possible alternatives with Officers.

27 Planning Application 07/2016/0291/FUL - Hoole Village Memorial Hall Community Centre, 94 Liverpool Old Road, Much Hoole

Report attached

Address: Hoole Village Memorial Hall Community Centre, 94 Liverpool Old Road, Much Hoole, PR4 4QA

Applicant: The Trustee Of Much Hoole Village Hall

Agent: Mr Richard Bramley, 184-186 Station Road, Bamber Bridge, PR5 6SE

Development: Erection of part single, part two storey Village Hall and erection of detached building to form Scout hut and storage building to rear following demolition of existing Village Hall - Amended scheme of planning approval 07/2015/1092/FUL

UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVED: Approved with Conditions.


1. The development hereby permitted must be begun not later than the expiration of three years beginning with the date of this permission.
REASON: Required to be imposed pursuant to Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.

2. The development, hereby permitted, shall be carried out in accordance with the approved plans Dwg SK/32/2B Site Layout: SK/0/1 Ground floor: SK/0/2 First Floor: SK/0/3 Elevations: SK/0/4 Elevations: SK/0/5A Scout Hut Elevations: SK/0/6 Turn-around: SK/0/7 Scout Hut/Store Plan.
REASON: For the avoidance of doubt and to ensure a satisfactory standard of development

3. No part of the development hereby approved shall commence until a scheme for the construction of the revised site entrance has been submitted to, and approved by, the Local Planning Authority in consultation with the Highway Authority under an appropriate legal agreement. Prior to first occupation of the development, the agreed scheme shall be constructed and completed in accordance with the scheme details.
REASON: In order to satisfy the Local Planning Authority and Highway Authority that the final details of the highway scheme/works are acceptable before work commences on site and to enable all traffic to enter and leave the premises in a safe manner without causing a hazard to other road users, in accordance with Policy G17 in the South Ribble Local Plan 2015

4. The car parking and manoeuvring scheme shall be marked out in accordance with the approved plans Dwg SK/32/2A and SK/0/6, before the use of the premises hereby permitted becomes operative and shall be permanently maintained thereafter.
REASON: To ensure the provision and retention of adequate on-site parking facilities and to accord with Policy F1 and Policy G17 in the South Ribble Local Plan 2015

5. Trees protected by a Tree Preservation Order (TPO) on or adjacent to the site that will be influenced by the development (construction or demolition), shall be protected for the duration of the development, including the erection of protective fencing in accordance with BS 5837 2012 - Trees in Relation to Design, Demolition and Construction - Recommendations and as indicated on the Tree Constraints Plan included in the Arboricultural Development Report dated June 2016. The protective fencing shall be checked against the plan by a suitably qualified arboricultural consultant who is to attend the site to check and sign off the works prior to commencement of the development and confirmation of this shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority for approval.
No tree identified for retention shall be pruned, cut down, uprooted, topped, lopped or wilfully damaged or destroyed including the cutting of roots without the previous written consent of the Local Planning Authority. Any tree subject to these actions or that are removed without such consent or are dying or are being significantly damaged or becoming seriously diseased during that period shall be replaced with trees of such size and species as will be agreed with the Local Planning Authority.
REASON: To prevent damage to trees during construction works in accordance with Policy G13 in the South Ribble Local Plan 2015

6. Prior to commencement of the development hereby approved, details of a suitable permanent load bearing root protection system should be incorporated into the design to reduce soil compaction. These details shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority for approval in writing. The agreed details shall then be incorporated during the construction phase of the development.
REASON: To prevent damage to protected trees as a result of the development and to be in accordance with Policy G13 in the South Ribble Local Plan 2012-2026

7. No development shall take place, including any works of demolition, until a Construction Management Plan has been submitted to, and approved in writing by, the Local Planning Authority. The approved Plan shall be adhered to throughout the construction period. The Plan shall provide for:
I. the proposed times construction works will take place
II. the parking of vehicles of site operatives and visitors
III. loading and unloading of plant and materials
IV. storage of plant and materials used in constructing the development
V. the location of the site compound
VI. wheel washing/road sweeping measures
VII. measures to control the emission of dust and dirt during construction
VIII. measures to control the emission of noise during construction
IX. details of all external lighting to be used during the construction
X. a scheme for recycling/disposing of waste resulting from demolition and construction works
REASON: To safeguard the amenities of neighbouring properties in accordance Policy 17 in the Central Lancashire Core Strategy and Policy G17 in the South Ribble Local Plan 2015

8. No work shall be commenced until satisfactory details of the colour and texture of the facing and roofing materials to be used have been submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority.
REASON: To ensure the satisfactory detailed appearance of the development in accordance with Policy 17 in the Central Lancashire Core Strategy and Policy G17 in the South Ribble Local Plan 2015

9. Prior to commencement of the development hereby approved, details of the landscaping of the site, which includes the retention of existing trees and hedgerows, have been submitted to, and approved in writing by, the Local Planning Authority. The approved scheme shall be implemented in the first planting season following completion of the development, or first occupation/use, whichever is the soonest.
The approved scheme shall be maintained by the applicant or their successors in title thereafter for a period of 5 years to the satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority. This maintenance shall include the replacement of any tree, hedgerow or shrub which is removed, becomes seriously damaged, seriously diseased or dies, by the same species or different species, and shall be agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The replacement tree or shrub must be of similar size to that originally planted.
Details submitted shall be compliant with 'BS 5837 2012 - Trees in Relation to Design, Demolition and Construction - Recommendations' and shall include details of trees and hedges to be retained or removed, root protection zones, barrier fencing, and a method statement for all works in proximity to those trees or hedges to be retained during the development and construction period. Details shall also indicate the types and numbers of trees and shrubs, their distribution on site, those areas seeded, turfed, paved or hard landscaped, including details of any changes of level or landform and the types and details of all fencing and screening.
REASON: In the interests of the amenity of the area in accordance with Policy 17 in the Central Lancashire Core Strategy and Policy G8 in the South Ribble Local Plan 2015

10. The development shall not begin until a scheme detailing the boundary treatments of the site has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The occupation of buildings or the commencement of the use shall not occur until the fencing/walling has been erected in accordance with the approved details. Any fencing/walling erected pursuant to this condition shall be retained at all times thereafter.
REASON: To ensure the provision and retention of adequate screening in the interest of amenity in accordance with Policy 17 of the Central Lancashire Core Strategy and Policy G17 in the South Ribble Local Plan 2015

11. For the full period of construction, facilities shall be available on-site for the cleaning of the wheels of vehicles leaving the site. Such equipment shall be used as necessary to prevent mud and stones being carried onto the highway. The roads adjacent to the site shall be mechanically swept as required during the full construction period.
REASON: In the interests of highway safety and other highway users in accordance with Policy G17 in the South Ribble Local Plan 2012-2026

12. Prior to commencement of the development hereby approved, details of bat and bird mitigation measures as referred to in the Bat Survey by Envirotech, shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The agreed measures shall be implemented prior to first occupation of the development hereby approved and retained at all times thereafter.
REASON: To ensure that adequate provision is made for these protected species in accordance with Policy 22 in the Central Lancashire Core Strategy and Policy G16 in the South Ribble Local Plan 2015

28 Planning Application 07/2016/0344/FUL - Former Fishwick and Sons Bus Depot, Tuer Street, Leyland

Report attached
Update (13K/bytes) attached

(Councillor Donoghue declared a personal interest in the following planning application as he lived close to the site but was able under the Code of Conduct for Elected Members, to remain in the meeting and take part in the consideration of the application.)

Address: Former Fishwick and Sons Bus Depot, Tuer Street, Leyland, PR25 3LE

Applicant: Lone Star Estates LLP

Agent: Mr Michael Askew, The Brampton, Newcastle-under-Lyme, ST5 0QW

Development: Erection of 3no commercial units (Use Classes B1c and B8), Change of use and re-cladding of existing depot buildings to provide 3no commercial units (Use Classes B1c, B2, B8), and Change of use of existing depot office building to provide 1no commercial unit (Use Classes B1c and B8)

UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVED: Approved with Conditions.


1. The development hereby permitted must be begun not later than the expiration of three years beginning with the date of this permission.
REASON: Required to be imposed pursuant to Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.

2. The development, hereby permitted, shall be carried out in accordance with the approved plans Dwg 2316/16/05C Unit 1 Proposed Details: 2316/16/06B Unit 2 Proposed Details: 2316/16/07A Unit 3 Proposed Details: 2316/16/08C Proposed Elevations Units 1-3: 2316/16/09B General Details Units 1-3: 2316/16/10 disabled WC Detail: 2316/16/12B Proposed Elevations and Floor Plan Unit 4: 2316/16/13A Proposed Elevations and Floor Plan Units 5, 6 and 7: 2316/16/14 Proposed Details and Section Units 5, 6 and 7: 2316/16/15 Fence, Gate and Sign Details: 2316/16/16C Proposed Site Plan: 2316/16/17C Proposed Site Plan 2 or any subsequent amendments to those plans that have been agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.
REASON: For the avoidance of doubt and to ensure a satisfactory standard of development

3. No part of the development shall be occupied until all the highway works within the adopted highway have been constructed in accordance with a scheme that shall be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority in consultation with the Highway Authority as part of an appropriate legal agreement.
REASON: In order to satisfy the Local Planning Authority and Highway Authority that the final details of the highway scheme/works are acceptable and to enable all traffic to enter and leave the premises in a safe manner without causing a hazard to other road users and to be in accordance with Policy G17 in the South Ribble Local Plan 2012-2026..

4. Prior to the first use of the development hereby approved, the secure cycling facilities as shown on the approved plan Dwg 2316/16/16C and 2316/16/17C shall be provided and shall be permanently maintained thereafter.
REASON: To ensure the provision and retention of adequate on-site parking facilities and to accord with Policy F1 and Policy G17 in the South Ribble Local Plan 2012-2026

5. Prior to first occupation of the development hereby approved, the Electric Vehicle Recharge points, including adequate charging infrastructure and cabling and specifically marked out for the use of Electric Vehicles shall be provided in accordance with the approved plan Dwg 2316/16/16C and 2316/16/17C
REASON: To enable and encourage the use of alternative fuel use for transport purposes in accordance with Policy 3 of the Central Lancashire Core Strategy

6. Prior to the commencement of the construction of Units 5, 6 and 7 hereby approved, details of the wheel washing facilities shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. For the full period of construction, facilities shall be available on-site for the cleaning of the wheels of vehicles leaving the site. Such equipment shall be used as necessary to prevent mud and stones being carried onto the highway. The roads adjacent to the site shall be mechanically swept as required during the full construction period.
REASON: To prevent stones and mud being carried onto the public highway to the detriment highway safety and other highway users in accordance with Policy G17 in the South Ribble Local Plan 2012-2026

7. Foul and surface water shall be drained on separate systems.
REASON: To secure proper drainage and to manage the risk of flooding and pollution.

8. Prior to commencement of the construction of Units 5, 6 and 7, a surface water drainage scheme, based on the hierarchy of drainage options in the National Planning Practice Guidance with evidence of an assessment of the site conditions shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.
The surface water drainage scheme must be in accordance with the Non-Statutory Technical Standards for Sustainable Drainage Systems (March 2015) or any subsequent replacement national standards and unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority, no surface water shall discharge to the public sewer system either directly or indirectly.
The development shall be completed, maintained and managed in accordance with the approved details.
REASON: To promote sustainable development, secure proper drainage and to manage the risk of flooding and pollution, in accordance with Policy 29 in the Central Lancashire Core Strategy

9. Prior to the commencement of the construction of Units 5, 6 and 7, a sustainable drainage management and maintenance plan for the whole site which covers the lifetime of the development shall be submitted to the Local Planning authority and agreed in writing. The sustainable drainage management and maintenance plan shall include as a minimum:
a. The arrangements for adoption by an appropriate public body or statutory undertaker, or, management and maintenance by a Resident's Management Company; and
b. Arrangements concerning appropriate funding mechanisms for its ongoing maintenance of all elements of the sustainable drainage system (including mechanical components) and will include elements such as ongoing inspections relating to performance and asset condition assessments, operation costs, regular maintenance, remedial woks and irregular maintenance caused by less sustainable limited life assets or any other arrangements to secure the operation of the surface water drainage scheme throughout its lifetime.
The development shall subsequently be completed, maintained and managed in accordance with the approved plan.
REASON: To manage flooding and pollution and to ensure that a managing body is in place for the sustainable drainage system and there is funding and maintenance mechanism for the lifetime of the development and to be in accordance with Policy 29 in the Central Lancashire Core Strategy

10. During the construction phase the development shall be carried out in accordance with the submitted Construction Method Plan dated 12 July 2016 unless otherwise agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority.
REASON: To safeguard the living conditions of nearby residents particularly with regard to the effects of noise, vibration, dust, waste and air quality in accordance with Policy 17 in the Central Lancashire Core Strategy and Policy G17 in the South Ribble Local Plan 2012-2026

11. Prior to the commencement of any intrusive ground works and/or the construction of Units 5, 6 and 7 hereby approved, the following information shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority (LPA) for approval in writing:
a) A Desk Study which assesses the risk of the potential for on-site contamination and ground gases and migration of both on & off-site contamination and ground gases.
b) If the Desk Study identifies potential contamination and ground gases, a detailed Site Investigation shall be carried out to address the nature, degree and distribution of contamination and ground gases and shall include an identification and assessment of the risk to receptors as defined under the Environmental Protection Act 1990, Part IIA, focusing primarily on risks to human health and controlled waters. The investigation shall also address the implications of the health and safety of site workers, of nearby occupied building structures, on services and landscaping schemes and on wider environmental receptors including ecological systems and property.
The sampling and analytical strategy shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the LPA prior to the start of the site investigation survey.
c) A Remediation Statement, detailing the recommendations and remedial measures to be implemented within the site.
Any works identified in these reports shall be undertaken when required with all remedial works implemented by the developer prior to occupation of the first and subsequent dwellings.
On completion of the development/remedial works, the developer shall submit written confirmation, in the form of a Verification Report, to the LPA, that all works were completed in accordance with the agreed Remediation Statement.
REASON: To ensure that the site investigation and remediation strategy will not cause pollution of ground and surface waters both on and off site, in accordance with Policy 17 in the Central Lancashire Core Strategy and Policy G14 in the South Ribble Local Plan 2012-2026

12. The use of the premises hereby approved shall be restricted to the hours of 07:30am to 19:00pm Monday to Friday; 07:30am to 17:30pm on Saturday, and 09:00am to 16:00pm on Sunday and Bank or Public Holidays.
REASON: In the interests of the amenities of adjoining residents and to accord with Policy 17 in the Central Lancashire Core Strategy

13. Prior to the installation of any extraction/ventilation systems to any of the units, full details of the noise levels to be experienced at the nearest properties and the fixings to be used shall be provided to the local planning authority for written approval. The approved system shall then be installed as agreed and thereafter maintained as approved. Any changes to the system shall first be agreed with the local planning authority in writing.
REASON: In the interests of the amenity and to safe guard the living conditions of the nearby residents in accordance with Policy 17 in the Central Lancashire Core Strategy.

14. No security lighting or additional external flood lighting shall be installed at the development hereby approve without first obtaining the written consent of the Local Planning Authority.
REASON: To safeguard the amenity and character of the area and to safeguard the living conditions of nearby residents and to accord with Policy 17 in the Central Lancashire Core Strategy

15. The development hereby approved shall not be brought into use until the facilities for the storage of refuse and waste materials have been completed entirely in accordance with the approved plans Dwg 2316/16/16C and 2316/16/17C. The approved facility shall be retained thereafter unless otherwise agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority.
REASON: To safeguard the character and visual appearance of the area and to safeguard the living conditions of any nearby residents particularly with regard to odours and/or disturbance in accordance with Policy 27 in the Central Lancashire Core Strategy and Policy G17 in the South Ribble Local Plan 2012-2026

16. The developer will carry out 1 year of air quality monitoring following 80% occupancy of the development. The location and timing of the monitoring shall be agreed with the local planning authority and the results made available to them.
REASON: In the interests of the amenity of the nearby residents in accordance with Policy 17 of the Central Lancashire Core Strategy.

17. In the event of a bat being found at any time during the development works, then work should cease immediately and advice sought form a suitably qualified bat worker.
REASON: To ensure that adequate provision is made for these protected species in accordance with Policy 22 in the Central Lancashire Core Strategy and Policy G16 in the South Ribble Local Plan 2012-2026

18. Prior to first occupation of the development hereby approved, details of alarm and CCTV monitoring systems to be used at the site shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Once installed in accordance with the approved plan, these shall be retained and permanently maintained thereafter.
REASON: To safeguard residential amenity in accordance with Policy 17 of the Central Lancashire Core Strategy and Policy G17 in the South Ribble Local Plan 2012-2026

19. Notwithstanding Condition 12, the premises shall not be used for any industrial processes or activity which is likely to create noise and disturbance at any time on Sundays, Bank or Public Holidays.
REASON: In the interests of the amenities of adjoining residents and to accord with Policy 17 in the Central Lancashire Core Strategy

29 Planning Application 07/2016/0471/FUL - St Leonards Church Of England Church, Church Brow, Walton-Le-Dale

Report attached

Address: St Leonards Church Of England Church, Church Brow, Walton-Le-Dale, PR5 4BB

Applicant: South Ribble Borough Council

Development: Reconstruction of existing churchyard path, steps and ancillary works to existing churchyard

UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVED: Approved with Conditions


1. Works to which this consent relates shall be begun not later than the expiration of three years beginning with the date of the Decision Notice.
REASON: To comply with the requirements of Section 18 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990.

2. The development, hereby permitted, shall be carried out in accordance with the approved plans Dwg STLCY2016/05-001 and Heritage, Design & Access Statement (South Ribble: June 2016).
REASON: For the avoidance of doubt and to ensure a satisfactory standard of development.

3. Before any site activity (construction or demolition) is commenced in association with the development, barrier fencing shall be erected around the sundial remains to the south of the church in line with proposals detailed in the approved Heritage, Design & Access Statement (South Ribble: June 2016). Within this fenced area no storage of materials or plant, may take place. The fencing shall remain in place until completion of all development works and removal of site vehicles, machinery, and materials in connection with the development.
REASON: To prevent damage to the Grade II listed sundial in accordance with Core Strategy Policy 16 and Policy G17 in the South Ribble Local Plan 2012-2026

4. Work on the paving shall not be commenced until satisfactory details of colour and texture of paving materials have been submitted to, and approved in writing with the Local Planning Authority.
REASON: To ensure satisfactory appearance of the area in accordance with Policies 16 and 17 of the Central Lancashire Core Strategy, and Policy G17 of the South Ribble Local Plan 2012-2026

30 Planning Service Quarter 1 2016/17 Performance Report
Report attached

The committee considered a report concerning the performance of the Planning Service during Quarter 1 of 2016/17.

The committee was informed that the Planning Service continued to perform highly and was one of the top performing planning departments in the country. The Planning Service had key performance measures against which it was judged. Central Government produced reports on the performance of planning authorities and had introduced specific measures whereby poor performing authorities could be placed in special measures.

The committee congratulated offices for the excellent report.

Councillor Ms Mawson enquired if there was any data on affordable housing compared with other local authorities. The Planning Manager agreed to provide this information to the committee.

That the contents of the report be noted.


  Published on Thursday 4 August 2016
(The meeting finished at 8.50pm)