Meeting documents

General Licensing Committee
Tuesday, 25th November, 2014

Place: Cross Room, Civic Centre, West Paddock, Leyland

 Present: Councillors Mr J Rainsbury (in the chair), Ms J Bell, Mr J A Kelly, Mr J D Marsh, Mr A E Pimblett,Mr D H Suthers, Mr C W Tomlinson, Mr D J Watts
 In attendance: Jennifer Mullin (Public Health Manager), Tasneem Safdar (Senior Solicitor), Niky Barrett (Licensing Enforcement Officer) and Dave Lee (Democratic Services Officer)
 Public attendance: 7
 Other Officers: None

Other Members: None

Item Description/Resolution Status Action
25 Apologies for Absence

Apologies for absence were submitted on behalf of Councillors Mrs Ball, Mrs Beattie and Mrs Hothersall.

26 Declarations of Interest

Councillor Ms Bell declared a prejudicial interest in minute nos. 36 and 37 because she was known to the applicant and the holder of a hackney carriage and private hire driver?s licence respectively.


Councillors Ms Bell, Kelly and C Tomlinson declared a prejudicial interest in minute no. 31 because they were known to the holder of a hackney carriage driver?s licence.

27 Minutes of the Last Meeting
Minutes attached

RESOLVED (UNANIMOUS): that the minutes of the meeting held on 21 October 2014 be approved as a correct record and signed by the chairman.

28 Request for Hackney Carriage Tariff Increase
Report (69K/bytes) attached

The committee considered a request from the South Ribble Taxi Owners Association (Appendix 1 to the report), to increase hackney carriage fares (together with a petition containing 63 hackney carriage driver signatures and 2 private hire drivers signatures).

The current Hackney tariffs were last increased on 1 September 2011 and the association pointed out in their letter that since then, bus and train fares had both risen, as have their own costs.

The proposed amendments to the tariffs were set out in the table in the report.

The committee noted the council?s position in relation to its neighbouring authorities in the region of the equivalent of tariff 1 (two mile rate) and the AA fuel price report between October 2011 and October 2014 circulated at the meeting following a request received by Councillor Pimblett.

The committee also noted that if it was minded to approve the suggested amendment, a public notice would be advertised for a period of 14 days in the press and on the council?s website, during which time representations either in favour of, or against the proposal, may be made to the Licensing Unit.




1. the report be noted.

2. Licensing Officers be authorised to carry out a formal consultation on the proposed tariff increase and a public notice be advertised for a period of 14 days in the press and on the council?s website.

3. the outcome of the consultation (representations either in favour of, or against the proposal) be reported to this committee.?

29 Application for Private Hire Vehicle Licence: Mr Wallbank
Report attached
Appendix attached

An application for a private hire vehicle licence was submitted.

The committee noted that the vehicle did not meet the council?s policy on vehicle age limits.

The applicant, Mr Wallbank, attended the meeting and addressed the committee.

The meeting was adjourned at 7.01pm to allow members of the committee an opportunity to inspect the vehicle.

The meeting resumed at 7.05pm.


RESOLVED (UNANIMOUS): that subject to the agreed modifications/adaptations to be made to the vehicle for the transportation of disabled school children (on behalf of Lancashire County Council) to the satisfaction of the Public Health Manager, Mr Wallbank?s application to licence the vehicle as a private hire vehicle be granted under the exceptional/unique circumstances as set out below:


? the nature and type of work the vehicle is used for

? specialised nature of the vehicle (purpose built wheelchair access vehicle)

? prescribed use of the vehicle

? condition of the vehicle

30 Exempt Items

RESOLVED (UNANIMOUS): that the press and public be excluded from the meeting during the consideration of the following items of business as it involved the discussion of information which was defined as exempt from publication under paragraphs 1 and 2 (information relating to an individual and information which was likely to reveal the identity of an individual) of Part I of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 and in which the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighed the public interest in disclosing it.

31 Hackney Carriage Driver?s Licence: Mr Topping
Report (63K/bytes) attached
Appendix (301K/bytes) attached

(Councillors Ms Bell, Kelly and Tomlinson declared a prejudicial interest in this item because they were known to the holder of a hackney carriage driver?s licence and left the meeting during the consideration and voting thereon.)


A report was submitted concerning the holder of a hackney carriage driver's licence.


The holder of the licence, Mr Topping, attended the meeting and addressed the committee.



1. Mr Topping shall be allowed to keep his hackney carriage driver?s licence on this occasion.

2. the council would treat any further instance of misconduct by Mr Topping as a serious matter and, could result in the above decision being reviewed.

32 Application for Private Hire Driver?s Licence: Mr Marsland
Report (59K/bytes) attached

An application for a private hire driver?s licence was submitted.

The applicant, Mr Marsland, attended the meeting and addressed the committee.


RESOLVED (UNANIMOUS): that Mr Marsland be granted a private hire driver?s licence.

33 Application for Hackney Carriage Driver?s Licence: Mr Ahmed
Report (59K/bytes) attached

(During the course of the meeting Councillors Kelly and Tomlinson declared a personal (but non-prejudicial) interest in this item because they were known to one of the character witnesses that accompanied the applicant, but were able under the council?s Code of Conduct to remain in the meeting and take part in the discussion.)


An application for a hackney carriage driver?s licence was submitted.

The applicant, Mr Ahmed (accompanied by two character witnesses), attended the meeting and addressed the committee.


RESOLVED (5 FOR 2 AGAINST 1 ABSTAINED): that Mr Ahmed be granted a hackney carriage driver?s licence.

34 Private Hire Driver?s Licence: Mr Gordon
Report (60K/bytes) attached

A report was submitted concerning the holder of a private hire driver's licence.


The holder of the licence, Mr Gordon, attended the meeting and addressed the committee.

During the course of the meeting, the Licensing Enforcement Officer provided the committee with a character reference from his manager (Mr Wallbank) who was unable to stay for the remainder of the meeting.



1. Mr Gordon shall be allowed to keep his private hire driver's licence on this occasion.

2. the council would treat any further instance of misconduct by Mr Gordon as a serious matter and, could result in the above decision being reviewed.

35 Private Hire Driver?s Licence: Mr Khan
Report (65K/bytes) attached
Appendix (46K/bytes) attached

A report was submitted concerning the holder of a private hire driver's licence.

The?holder of the licence, Mr Khan, had been invited to attend and/or be represented at the meeting but was not present and neither had he made any attempt to contact the council. The Committee noted that the Licensing Team had also previously requested Mr Khan to attend a meeting, however, he did not attend or make any contact.


RESOLVED (UNANIMOUS): that?Mr Khan's private hire driver's licence be revoked.

36 Application for Hackney Carriage Driver?s Licence: Mr Kingsbury
Report (72K/bytes) attached

(Councillor Ms Bell declared a prejudicial interest in this item because she was known to the applicant.?She did not take part in the discussion or voting thereon.)


An application for a hackney carriage driver?s licence was submitted.

The committee noted that the applicant, Mr Kingsbury, was unable to attend the meeting as he was unwell. However, it was decided that the matter would be considered.

RESOLVED (UNANIMOUS): that Mr Kingsbury?s application for a hackney carriage driver?s licence be refused?and it be noted that even if the applicant had attended the hearing, the committee would have been minded to refuse the application.

37 Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Driver?s Licence: Mr Bowers
Report (62K/bytes) attached

(Councillor Ms Bell declared a prejudicial interest in this item because she was known to the holder of a hackney carriage and private hire driver's licence.?She did not take part in the discussion or voting thereon.)


A report was submitted concerning the holder of a hackney carriage and private hire driver's licence.

The?holder of the licence, Mr Bowers, had been invited to attend and/or be represented at the meeting but was not present.

RESOLVED (UNANIMOUS): that?Mr Bowers? hackney carriage and private hire driver's licence be revoked with immediate effect.


  Published on Friday 28 November 2014