Meeting documents

Wednesday, 18th January, 2017

Place: Shield Room, Civic Centre, West Paddock, Leyland, PR25 1DH

 Present: Councillor Mrs L R Woollard (Mayor)

Councillors Bird, Mrs Blow, Coulton, Donoghue, Evans, Forrest, Foster, Mrs Mary Green, Michael Green, Hancock, Hesketh, Higgins, Howarth, Hughes, Marsh, Martin, Mrs Moon, Mrs Mort, Mullineaux, Mrs B Nathan, M Nathan, Nelson, Mrs Noblet, Patten, Rainsbury, Mrs M Smith, P Smith, Mrs Snape, Suthers, Titherington, C Tomlinson, M Tomlinson, G Walton, Mrs K Walton, Watts, Wharton, Wooldridge and Yates
 In attendance: Interim Chief Executive (Jean Hunter), the Legal Services Manager (David Whelan) and Senior Democratic Services Officer (Andy Houlker)
 Public attendance: 8
 Other Officers: 12

Item Description/Resolution Status Action
73 Apologies for Absence

Apologies for absence were submitted on behalf of Councillors Ms Bell, Bennett, Clark, Miss Hamilton, K Jones, Mrs S Jones, Ms Mawson, Ogilvie, Watkinson and Woodcock.

Members paid tribute to the late former Councillor Jeff Knowles and expressed their appreciation for his service to the council and residents.

74 Declarations of Interest

There were no declarations of interest.

75 Minutes of the Last Meeting
Minutes attached
Appendix (86K/bytes) attached

There was a discussion regarding the level of detail of the minute relating to Councillor Ms Bell?s comments about Councillor Hamilton.

RESOLVED (For: 30 , Against: 7 ):
That the minutes of the meeting held on 16 November 2016 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Mayor.

76 Mayor's Announcements

The Mayor provided an update on the events she had recently attended and her forthcoming engagements, including the forthcoming Ladies of Achievement Luncheon. She also presented Councillor Marsh a Long Service Award (12 years) and referred to former Councillor Mrs Ball?s resignation and wished Councillor Miss Hamilton a speedy recovery.

77 Report of the Cabinet
05(a) Report (24K/bytes) attached
05(b) Report (31K/bytes) attached
05(b) Appendix A (101K/bytes) attached
05(b) Appendix B (65K/bytes) attached

The Leader, Councillor Mullineaux, presented the reports of the Cabinet meetings held on 6 December 2016 and 11 January 2017. The reports were seconded.

City Deal ? Masterplanning and the Delivery of Bamber Bridge
In response to a request for information on schemes? funding update, members were referred to the detail in the report to Cabinet on 11 January. It was confirmed one scheme was not directly funded by City Deal monies rather by a successful bid to One Public Estate and any balance from City Deal funds already paid to this council. It was also confirmed that the masterplan in resolution (c) related to the Leyland Community Masterplan.

Private Sector Housing Grants Programme
Member appreciated the revised policy. It was confirmed that the Private Sector Housing Condition Survey was a regular survey of residential properties in the borough and it was felt the quality of housing stock was quite high. If the member of the public wanted more information he could contact the Cabinet member for Strategic Planning & Housing.

Firmstep Renewal
In response to comments about the supplementary report, it was stated that this was basically a 12 month extension of a maintenance contract whilst the council looked at options moving forward.

In respect of the exempt items discussed at the meeting of the Cabinet there was comment that a lot of the debate could have been avoided if those reports (rather than just figures) had been more explicit about what the council wanted to achieve.


1) the reports be noted [unanimously];

2) City Deal ? Masterplanning and the Delivery of Bamber Bridge [unanimously]
(a) That authority be granted under section 2.8 of the Financial Regulations to increase the revenue budget for planned spend on the Leyland Community Masterplan by ?4,000 to a total of ?44,000.
(b) That permission be granted to spend ?44,000 on the Community Masterplan for West Paddock subject to receipt of the specific grant income. This would be charged against South Ribble?s budget but would be offset by the use of specific new grant funding from South Ribble?s successful One Public Estate (OPE) bid of ?20,000 and Innovation Agency funding received in the sum of ?4,000.
(c) That authority be granted to award Leyland Community Masterplan procurement to Capita (in accordance with the procurement exercise and in line with SRBC Contract Procedure Rules).
(d) That the changes made to the procurement and costs related to the Penwortham, Lostock Hall and Leyland retail Masterplans be noted, which would mean that South Ribble?s Community Infrastructure budget within the City Deal Infrastructure Delivery Plan would now not need to spend the ?100,000 allocated in September.
(e) That the good progress in Bamber Bridge be noted, and authority be given to procure the intermediate value items required to complete the Bamber Bridge scheme.

3) Corporate Debt Recovery Policy [unanimously]
That the adoption of the Corporate Debt Recovery Policy be approved.


4) Mayor and Deputy Mayor 2017/18 [For:34]
That Councillor Mick Titherington be confirmed as Mayor elect for 2017/18 and Councillor John Rainsbury be nominated as Deputy Mayor elect for 2017/18.

5) Private Sector Housing Grants Programme [unanimously]
That the contents of the report be noted and the Private Sector Housing Grants Programme be approved.

6) Timetable of Meetings 2017/18 [unanimously]
That the Timetable of Meetings for 2017/18 as set out in the attached appendix be approved.

7) Firmstep Renewal [unanimously]
That with effect from the 23 March 2017 the existing contract with Firmstep be extended for a further 12 months with the current supplier for the reasons set out in the report.

78 Report of the Scrutiny Committee
Report attached

Councillor Titherington presented the report of the meeting of the Scrutiny Committee held on 13 December 2016. The report was seconded.

In particular, in respect of Wesley Street Mill, he commented that the committee was keen to confirm that due process had been followed.

79 Report of the Governance Committee
Report attached

In the absence of the chairman, Councillor Patten (Vice-chairman) presented the reports of the meetings of the Governance Committee held on 13 November and 14 December 2016. The reports were seconded.

80 Questions to the Leader

Councillor Forrest had submitted the following two written questions to the Leader in advance of the meeting :
Following an email he had received from a member of the public which he had forwarded to the Leader he asked the Leader to comment on the reduction of direct rail services from Leyland to Manchester Airport; and

?Last Council you gave welcome support to Town twinning and referred to the formation of a Town Twinning Committee. What steps have you taken to bring this into fruition??

In responding to the concern about Leyland Railway Station, the Leader indicated he had quite a detailed response which he would email to Councillor Forrest but basically the frequency of rail services was not going to increase. In respect of town twinning, Councillor Forrest was informed that whilst there were still sport/education links active in the community at the moment the council had other priorities to focus on.

Relating to possible action on members of the council who might have undermined the council the Leader commented that this matter was still current.

Further to the email previously sent to all councillors regarding the Banqueting Suite facilities, the Leader confirmed this matter still being looked at and could be included as part of the wider asset review.

81 Questions to Members of the Cabinet

Corporate Support & Assets
No questions were asked.

The Cabinet member indicated she was unable to comment on the forthcoming budget until it was presented to council.

Neighbourhood & Street Scene
The Cabinet member accepted the approach to car parking at the neighbourhood forum had been a mistake and had been addressed. He also confirmed there were no plans for any music events in South Ribble similar to those held on The Green in Lytham.

Public Health, Safety & Wellbeing
In responding to concerns expressed about staffing levels at the Chorley Urgent Care Centre and Royal Preston Hospital, the Cabinet member indicated on receipt of more information she would take appropriate action to pursue the matter.

Regeneration & Leisure
Serious concerns were expressed about future proposals for the provision of leisure facilities in the borough. The meeting was also informed that Councillor Call for Action had been initiated and the Chairman of the Scrutiny Committee had been asked to look into this matter. The Cabinet member responding indicated that any vision for the long term provision of leisure reflected changes (including population growth) and was not a reduction but an increase in provision. However, this was still work in progress and would come for consideration to council.

Strategic Planning & Housing
Councillor Wooldridge had submitted the following written question to the Cabinet member in advance of the meeting.

?Can Councillor Hughes inform Council when the Cross Borough Link Road will be completed, especially the section from the Cawsey and Carwood link road, so as to allow all proposed Housing developments to take place without alternative access roads being sought.

Can he also confirm that this Council needs to call in all Housing developments, especially the proposed Penwortham Mills site until this section of the CBLR can be completed, and find alternative sites within our Borough Boundaries so as to comply with our SRBC Housing allocation.

I think you will understand why I will be asking this question, however you and your fellow councillors are the ruling group on SRBC and have been for over 9 years.

SRBC is the planning authority, so failure to secure the agreed access road of the CBLR lies with you.?

The Cabinet member in responding explained the history of the site and the position of the council and parties involved. He acknowledged the concern about lack of progress with the cross borough link road and associated recent public inquiry for an alternate access on to Leyland Road. He was still optimistic the council would achieve what was wanted.

82 Questions to Chairmen of Committees and My Neighbourhood Areas

Leyland Neighbourhood Forum
Members? attention was drawn to the leaflet circulated around the room on behalf of Dementia Friends. The leaflet gave information on the Welcome Caf? in Longton and Memories Meeting Place in Leyland.

Eastern Neighbourhood Forum
In response to concern about flooding on the railway level crossing in Bamber Bridge, this had been reported to Lancashire County Council who had indicated it was caused by a collapsed drain which would be addressed in the next couple of weeks.

In respect of leisure centres, the chairman indicated he was not aware of any proposals but confirmed if they included Bamber Bridge Leisure Centre it should be considered at the forum.

There was an assurance from the chairman that there would not be a repeat of the type of issue (car parking proposals) experienced at the last meeting of the forum.

83 Questions to Member Champions and Representatives on Outside Bodies

In responding to an enquiry, the council?s representative on the Governing Council of the Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust indicated that he had attended some local meetings. Unfortunately there had been technical issues with the equipment provided and he had not been receiving communication from the Trust. It was hoped this would soon be rectified.


  Published on Monday 20 February 2017
The meeting finished at 8.06pm