Meeting documents

Wednesday, 27th February, 2013

Place: Shield Room, Civic Centre, West Paddock, Leyland, PR25 1DH

 Present: Councillor Clark (Mayor)

Councillors Mrs Ball, Ms Bell, S Bennett, W Bennett, Bradley, Crook, Evans, Forrest, D Gardner, M Gardner, Mrs Mary Green, Michael Green, Hamman, Hanson, Harrison, Hesketh, Higgins, Mrs Hothersall, Hughes, Mrs Jones, Kelly, Marsh, McNulty, Mrs Moon, Mullineaux, Nelson, O'Hare, Otter, Patten, Pimblett, S Prynn, Rainsbury, Mrs M J Robinson, Mrs M Smith, P Smith, Stettner, Suthers, Titherington, C Tomlinson, M Tomlinson, Dr S Tomlinson, Miss Walker, Walton, Watts, Mrs Woollard and Yates

Honorary Freeman Breakell
 In attendance: The Director of Corporate Governance (Maureen Wood), the Democratic Services Manager (Martin O'Loughlin) and the Democratic Services Officer (Carol Eddleston)
 Public attendance: 3 and 1 member of the press
 Other Officers: 4

Item Description/Resolution Status Action
82 Apologies for Absence

Apologies for absence were received on behalf of Councillors Mrs Beattie, Coulton, Foster, Heyworth, Martin, Mrs Mort, Mrs Noblet and S Robinson.

83 Declarations of Interest

There were no declarations of interest.

84 Minutes of the Last Meeting
Minutes attached attached

Referring to the penultimate paragraph of minute 76, page 40, Councillor M Tomlinson pointed out that Penwortham Town Council had seven employees, three of whom were directly affected by the Living Wage. The Leader apologised as she had not realised that the town council had expanded so much.

There was a lengthy discussion about the level of detail included in the minutes of the last meeting, with a number of Labour Group members commenting that statements made by themselves had not been included in the minutes and one member saying that her statement had not been minuted accurately. The Mayor pointed out that minutes were not a verbatim record of a meeting and that members had ample opportunity to submit written comments on minutes well in advance of the meeting at which they were due to be approved. The Leader suggested that there would on occasion be somebody on both sides who felt aggrieved that something had not been minuted but said that every effort was taken to include as much detail as possible. Given the manner in which tonight?s comments had been made, however, this would now have to change.

RESOLVED (YES - 26, NO ? 16, ABSTENTION ? 3) that:
The minutes of the meeting held on 23 January 2013 be approved as a correct record, subject to the reference to Councillor M Tomlinson in paragraph 3 of minute 78 on page 42 being amended to Councillor C Tomlinson.

85 Report of the Cabinet
Report (66K/bytes) attached

The Leader commended the report of the Cabinet meeting held on 6 February. The report was seconded.

The Deputy Leader, Neighbourhoods and Street Scene responded to a number of questions relating to the Scrutiny Review of Worden Park and the Update of Dog Control Orders. Cabinet had debated at length the recommendation to nominate a single named Cabinet member with responsibility for Worden Park but had concluded that he, as Cabinet Member for Neighbourhoods and Street Scene, would be the lead member and that he would liaise with other Cabinet Members as and when appropriate. Consultation and advertising on the new proposed Dog Control Orders sites would commence within the next few weeks and residents would have at least six weeks in which to respond. He was not aware that the green open space on Bent Lane was going to be refurbished in the near future.


1. The report be noted;

2. Home Energy Conservation Act ? Key Targets and Priorities (YES ? 45, ABSTENTION ? 1)
(i) the recommendations as set out in the report for the council?s role as promoter in the delivery of the Green Deal be approved;
(ii) the details of the ?further report? (as attached at Appendix 2 to the report to Cabinet) be approved for submission to the Secretary of State, including the targets for reduction in carbon emissions and fuel poverty.

3. My Neighbourhood Plans (YES ? 43, ABSTENTION ? 3)
(i) the 2013-15 My Neighbourhood Plans be approved;
(ii) the Capital estimates attributed to the My Neighbourhood Plans for inclusion in the Capital Programme be noted.

4. Update of Dog Control Orders (45 ? YES, NO ? 1)
(i) a consultation and advertising process be undertaken for the proposed play areas and sites to be included in the extended Dog Control Orders;
(ii) the Director of Neighbourhoods, in consultation with the Deputy Leader, Neighbourhoods and Street Scene, be authorised to confirm the proposed play areas and sites to be included in the extended Dog Control Orders, following the completion of the consultation and advertising period.

86 Report of the Scrutiny Committee
Report (38K/bytes) attached

Councillor Titherington commended the reports of the Scrutiny Committee meetings held on 29 January and 11 February. The reports were seconded. Councillor Titherington commented that the special health matters meeting [29 January] had been very well received and he responded to a number of questions and observations. The committee had congratulated the Council on its forward thinking in setting up the Health and Wellbeing Partnership and working jointly with the Chorley and South Ribble Clinical Commissioning Group. An invitation would be issued shortly to the Police and Crime Commissioner to attend a future Scrutiny Committee meeting to present his plans and to respond to questions.

87 Report of the Governance Committee
Report (29K/bytes) attached

Councillor O'Hare commended the report of the Governance Committee. The report was seconded and noted without further debate.

88 Designation of Polling Places
Report (49K/bytes) attached
Appendix (72K/bytes) attached

The Leader presented the report detailing changes required to designated polling places from 2 May 2013. The report was seconded.

It was acknowledged that every effort should be made to publicise the additional polling station for Walton-le-Dale ward [Welcome Tavern, Hennel Lane] to those residents affected.

Members were advised to contact Democratic Services direct if they had any comments about individual polling stations.

1) the polling places indicated in the schedule attached to the report be confirmed;
2) the Chief Executive be authorised to determine any further unforeseen changes to polling places which become necessary for the forthcoming elections.

89 Questions to the Leader

The Leader responded to questions and observations from members and from a member of the public.

Local police would undoubtedly be carrying out the necessary investigations into the recent serious accident involving a pedestrian in the Bent Lane area but this Council?s County Councillors would no doubt be mindful of borough members? concerns about road safety and would pass them on to the county council.

County Councillor Driver was to be commended on driving through efficiency savings and securing a reduction in council tax.

Consideration would be given to how technology might be used to assist this council?s minute taking clerks.

90 Questions to Members of the Cabinet

Members of the Cabinet responded to questions and observations from members.

Deputy Leader, Neighbourhoods and Street Scene

In response to a written question submitted in advance from Councillor Patten, the Cabinet Member for Neighbourhoods and Street Scene explained that the street nameplate on Monks Walk had been replaced last September as it had been reported as being unreadable and situated too low to be easily viewable to drivers. The cabinet member would look into the suggestion that the nameplate was now hanging at an ungainly angle.

Finance and Resources

The Mayor indicated that Councillor S Robinson would be able to take questions at the following week?s meeting and written questions submitted in advance would be preferable.

Strategic Planning and Housing

Councillor Hughes would look at the papers issued following the recent county council conference on fracking but confirmed that as shale gas was a fossil fuel there was no reference to it in the council?s draft supplementary planning document on renewable energy. However, he would be willing to ask officers to put together a report on fracking.

Councillor Hughes did not have to hand information about the number of residents who would be affected by the ?bedroom tax? but he was sure that the Revenues and Benefits department would be able to provide information if requested.

Consultation on the Tenancy Strategy Document had now closed and had generated responses from three individuals, two of which were from members and one from a member of the public. In view of the limited response the strategy document would now be taken forward.

91 Questions to Chairmen of Committees and My Neighbourhood Areas

There were no questions.

92 Questions to Representatives on Outside Bodies

In response to a member of the public, the Leader said that she would raise the matter of public participation at the next Lancashire Police and Crime Panel meeting and said that only time would tell whether the commissioner was fit for purpose.


  Published on Tuesday 9 April 2013
The meeting finished at 7.10pm.