Agenda and minutes

Corporate, Performance and Budget Scrutiny Committee - Monday, 12th June, 2023 6.00 pm

Venue: Shield Room, Civic Centre, West Paddock, Leyland PR25 1DH and YouTube

Contact: Ben Storey, Democratic and Member Services Officer  Email:


No. Item


Apologies for Absence


None – all members of the committee present.


Declarations of Interest

Members are requested to indicate at this stage in the proceedings any items on the agenda in which they intend to declare an interest. Members are reminded that if the interest is a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest (as defined in the Members’ Code of Conduct) they must leave the room for the whole of that item. If the interest is not a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest, but is such that a member of the public could reasonably regard it as being so significant that it is likely that it would prejudice their judgment of the public interest (as explained in the Code of Conduct) then they may make representations, but then must leave the meeting for the remainder of the item.


Councillor Michael Green declared a personal interest as a member of the Leyland Town Deal Board and a member of Lancashire County Council should any references be made to either of those organisations during the meeting.


The Council’s Code of Conduct allows members to remain in the meeting and fully participate where a personal, and not a prejudicial or pecuniary interest, is declared.


Quarter Four Performance Monitoring Report 2022-2023 pdf icon PDF 495 KB

Report of the Director of Change and Delivery attached.


The Chair welcomed the Leader of the Council and the Director of Change and Delivery to the meeting to present the most recent quarterly performance monitoring report.


The Committee heard that overall performance had been pleasing with the majority of projects and targets discussed within the report on or above target. There had been issues with the credit union which had impacted on achieving the desired performance targets, however an action plan on how to resolve these issues was included within the report. With being such a large scheme, the Council was working with the Town Deal Board and Government to realign the procurement processes and the programme to ensure the project remained in budget and the timescales it was required to. Finally, the Jubilee Gardens project had been impacted by inflationary pressures and a review was currently underway of its design and key outputs with a report expected to go to Cabinet and Council in the next month.


On plans for the Corporate Strategy moving forward following the recent elections, the Committee were advised that work was underway in reviewing the priorities of the new administration. Following further discussions with officers and the wider Labour group a new Corporate Strategy would be presented to Council in September for adoption.


The Music in the Park event was highlighted by the Committee, with questions raised over how the success of the event was measured, the return on investment and future plans for the event. In response members heard that the aim of the event was to be cost neutral, yet providing a huge boost to local businesses and a great event for residents and visitors to enjoy. Analysis on the return on investment was being reviewed, in addition to other feedback, and would be completed soon. The Council hoped to continue the event in future years, the 33% increase in attendance from last year demonstrated there was a demand and provided scope to expand the event.


Queries were raised whether the July 2023 launch date of the Council’s Social Prescribing Service was still realistic and viable. The Committee were told that the recruitment process had been completed with the team in place and ready to start taking referrals in July.


In response to a query on the Cost of Living Crisis Action Plan, Members were reassured that the Action Plan would form part of the Corporate Strategy and due to an increase in demand further work was underway to bring in partners where possible in order to best support residents. The Committee were grateful for the offer of further statistics on the numbers and effectiveness of the current support the Council has in place.


The challenges around developing greater uptake in digital skills training was raised by the Committee. As these sessions had not been active through the pandemic it had been a slow process to build back up to the pre-pandemic levels. The committee was pleased to hear that now it was re-established and benchmarking undertaken, monitoring of the digital  ...  view the full minutes text for item 3.


Revenue Budget Outturn 2022-23 pdf icon PDF 219 KB

Report of the Director of Finance attached.

Additional documents:


The Chair welcomed the Leader of the Council and the Director of Finance to the meeting to present the most recent quarterly revenue budget monitoring report.


The Committee heard that the Council was in a strong financial position and despite challenges arising from increasing energy costs and the recent pay award had an under spend of £300,000 at year end. It was noted that higher interest rates had resulted in greater return on savings than was forecast.


Regarding the UK Shared Prosperity Fund, there was prescribed criteria set out in order to allocate funding which had presented challenges. The Committee welcomed the offer to provide the UK Shared Prosperity Fund Business Plan following the meeting.


On the reliance on agency staff and the cost impact for the Council, the Committee ascertained that in the face of ongoing challenges around recruitment, permanent Heads of Service had been appointed with further appointments nearing completion for vacant senior posts, also on a permanent basis. A full breakdown of vacancies and costs would be provided to the Committee.


In addition to advertising posts on the Council’s social media platforms, Members were advised that where appropriate recruitment consultants were appointed to source applicants for senior posts but overall in the past year there had been an increase in uptake in vacant posts. Further details on the effectiveness on the use of recruitment platforms, such as LinkedIn would be provided to the Committee.


Questions were asked about how to improve occupancy and income through marketing the council’s commercial assets, such as the banqueting suite and whether an action plan was in place. A detailed review of the Council’s assets had been initiated by the new Cabinet Member which would consider all of these areas. In addition it was noted that a review of the commercial use of the Civic Centre was being carried out with the aim of maximising the use of the building.


The Committee raised concerns over the apprenticeship budget not being fully utilised. Responding to the query the Council’s commitment to encouraging and supporting apprenticeship schemes was reaffirmed. Further information would be provided, though it was suggested that the under spend in the apprenticeship budget could be a timing issue, or where apprentices were successfully applying for other vacant posts at the Council and associated costs going back into the budget.


It was subsequently;


Resolved: (Unanimously)


That the Corporate, Performance and Budget Scrutiny Committee;


1.    thanks the leader and director for attending and answering questions;


2.    welcomes the offer of a copy of the UKSPF (UK Shared Prosperity Fund) Business Plan being provided to the committee;


3.    asks that the total agency and contractor costs mapped across the directorate staffing underspends be provided;


4.    encourages the greater use of LinkedIn and other social media platforms to attract and recruit employees to the council and;


5.    requests that the apprenticeship underspends be explored further.


Capital and Balance Sheet Outturn 2022-23 pdf icon PDF 161 KB

Report of the Director of Finance attached.

Additional documents:


The Chair welcomed the Leader of the Council and the Director of Finance to the meeting to present the most recent quarterly monitoring report on the Capital Programme and Balance Sheet.


Queries around the varuances within the capital budget were addressed, delays in projects and slippage were the main reason why budget had being carried over into the following subsequent financial year. It was also noted that a number of significant payments had been made on the Jubilee Gardens, Town Deal and Leisure Centre refurbishment projects in April this year, just missing the reporting deadline for the quarter on 31 March 2023.


Responding to concerns raised over delays in processing Disabled Facilities Grants, the Committee were advised that there were lengthy delays in undertaking the initial assessments by Lancashire County Council. The Leader of the County Council had recently been contacted about this matter, outlining South Ribble Borough Council’s desire to explore alternative options to carry out occupational health assessments to expedite the grant application process. Further details and a copy of the letter sent to the Leader of Lancashire County Council would be provided to the Committee.


In relation to funding for the Leisure Local scheme not being fully utilised, Members were advised that this was due to the time it took for a thorough assessment of proposed projects to be undertaken and that any other under spend in budget would remain and be ready to be used when future applications are received.


On the review of vehicle and plant replacement, it was confirmed that this was underway with a report expected soon which would consider both the environmental implications as well as the cost implications.


The grant capital expenditure for facilities at Lostock Hall Academy referenced within the report was raised.  It was confirmed that approval for the grant funding had been agreed by Council and appropriate due diligence had been carried out before Lostock Hall Academy received the funding. The Council were aware of issues raised by residents concerning the installation of floodlights and the use of the sports facilities out of school hours and were liaising with the residents and the Academy to reach a resolution.


It was subsequently;


Resolved: (Unanimously)


That the Corporate, Performance and Budget Scrutiny Committee;


1.    thanks the leader and director for attending and answering questions;


2.    requests that further focus be given to reduce the level of slippage in the capital programme;


3.    expresses concern of the delays with the County Council turning Disabled Facilities Grant referrals around and;


4.    wishes the leader well in his lobbying of the county council and in making alternative arrangements for progressing Disabled Facilities Grant applications.


Committee Matters


Meetings and training attended by Members


No training attend by committee members was noted.


Cabinet Forward Plan


The Cabinet Forward Plan was noted.


Arrangements for Committee Training and Workshop


The Head of Democratic Services informed the Committee that the North West Employers Strategic Scrutiny Network was scheduled for the following week.


Dr Steph Snape would also be delivering scrutiny committee training on Monday 3 July.


It was also proposed to hold a workshop session to develop the committees work programme for the remainder of the year and beyond on Tuesday 11 July.